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View Full Version : Really heavy period, TWO WEEKS EARLY!!!

05-04-19, 20:07
I got my period on time on the 22nd of March (30 day cycle...normally anyway!) all seemed fine, a normal period, nothing unusual, finished after 5 days. etc.
Only yesterday, I woke up to losing a lot of blood when I got up to go for a wee! Naturally, with healthy anxiety already present, I was TERRIFIED!! Went straight to urgent care when I couldn't get an appointment at the doctors. Urgent care did a urine sample and felt my back and stomach. They said there was no sign of infection, just blood and said it was a very early period...but I'm not due another period for AT LEAST another two weeks and I've just had one just a week and half ago! It was bad through the night, having to get up and change my pad every few hours...so I went to my GP's surgery today, they checked my blood pressure and felt my tummy and said everything seemed okay and didn't seem fazed by the bleeding but I certainly am. They just think it's an early period, but why so early and why so heavy? I'm not getting any help from anywhere. I'm not sure where to go from here. I shouldn't be bleeding now, that's the main point of it and it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so heavy, I'm losing clots (sorry, TMI) and it's scary.

Could it be something else other than a period? Could they have missed an infection? could I die from the blood loss? Could it be my bladder or kidney's that are bleeding instead? Will I end up in hospital? So many things are whirling around my mind. I'm terrified. If something is going to kill me, I wish it would just do it instead of torturing me all the time.

05-04-19, 20:30

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06-04-19, 06:13
I had the same thing happen to me. Extremely heavy bleeding, huge clots, heaps of pain, lasted on and off for 4 weeks. Don't let them just fob you off. Hopefully they give you an ultrasound at least.

06-04-19, 08:14
Are you on the pill or anything? Before I was my periods were so unpredictable. Sometimes weeks early and sometimes really late. Always heavy, painful and clotty. I wouldn't worry, docs have done their checks. Just sounds like a random early period!

07-04-19, 15:13
I'm not on the pill or any medication. The night I posted this I flooded through my clothes and onto the floor (sorry, TMI) and the clots were huge so I phoned 111 and they called an ambulance. :( I was in A&E for 9 hours :( all night with no sleep and still flooding through. They did bloods and an internal exam but found nothing wrong, apart from the heavy bleeding of course. They sent me home in the morning and I've been crying and a nervous wreck since :'( I don't understand why this is happening. I'm worried that something is seriously wrong or it's the big C :( I'm terrified.

07-04-19, 15:18
Surely the hospital must have reassured you or told you want to do next ?

07-04-19, 15:45
Not really no, they gave me no answers.

07-04-19, 16:53
Ok go and see your doctor and see what they say

07-04-19, 18:16
I don’t really know what to say to this, but you’ve had lots of tests and been seen by 3 different medical professionals who can’t find anything wrong with you. So what do you think? How long has this period gone on for? How old are you?

I have had this a few times, but I’m older and I put it down to that. Did you have an internal exam at all?

07-04-19, 18:18
Did you have an internal exam at all?

She said they did one

07-04-19, 18:40
Could you have been pregnant or something like that ? It sure sounds horrible, but keep in mind that the body sometimes does crazy things, some months ago I had a period two weeks apart and now my last three period have been 25 days exactly.

07-04-19, 19:14
She said they did one

Sorry, I missed that.
Was it an ultrasound, OP?