View Full Version : Ringing in Ears - Will it stop?

09-09-07, 14:06
I went out last night to a club (which i very rarely do, for some reason the loud music makes me panic) and the music was extremely loud, it hurt at some points. When i left i had loud high pitched ringing in my ears and slight loss of hearing ( i assumed this would go away in the morning). The ringing and deafness has worn off slightly but the ringing is still very noticeable! I naturally seem to have slight ringing in the ears, but can only hear it when i listen to it. This ringing at the moment is impossible to ignore. Does anyone know if this will go away? or have i permanently damaged my ears?

x-x Katie x-x

09-09-07, 15:39
Hi Katie,

I've done this more times than I care to remember (rock chick) but rest assured that it will wear off in a day or two. If you make a habit of exposing yourself to loud music very regularly (even on an iPod or whatever), it will damage your hearing eventually, but just doing it now and again should be ok. You can always use discreet earplugs if you're going somewhere you know will be very loud.

My ears ring all the time but that's through years of abuse with loud concerts and noisy motorbikes. I kinda wish I'd taken more care of them.

Eeb x