View Full Version : My bladder is playing up!

08-04-19, 01:14
My bladder has been annoying me for around 3 weeks now. I'm 21 years old and have had a few UTIs in the past. Around 3 weeks ago, I had a feeling of pressure around my bladder and kept needing to go to the toilet even though I hadn't had anything to drink recently. I really felt like I had a UTI but I went to the doctor's and they did a dip test (and also sent my sample off to be tested) but no infection was found. I still keep getting the feeling that I need to go but when I do not much comes out! The pressure feeling isn't as bad as it was but it's still there. It only really occurs when I'm out and about and I get really bad anxiety thinking I might wet myself. What could be the possible cause and what could I do? No infection was found so could there be any treatment? I had an ultrasound a couple of months ago (pelvic pain due to an ovarian cyst) and my bladder was fine. So what's going on? It's really stressing me out!

08-04-19, 02:05
Hey ellie,

I was told on here that it is a very common symptom from anxiety. I have read countless stories and even a bunch of posts on here to back that up as well. If there is no sign of infection then I bet anxiety could be causing this for you and now your focused on your bladder which will make it seem so much worse then what it really is. Hang in there and try to distract yourself if you can. I know first hand how hard that can be. Your going to be alright.

Take care