View Full Version : Really Scared....Help !

Mayur Nagpure
09-09-07, 17:27
I have seen everywhere on internet and read many posts in forums. Many people suffers panic attacks for months and years. But what about psychiatrists ? What about the drugs they give us ? What about that medical treatment ? Does that not works ? Oh, after reading about others attacks in forums i m scared of one thing now, is there no cure for panic attacks ? Can we never get rid of panic attacks, permanantly ? My treatment has just started, i just want to get rid of attacks permanently, but i have never heard of anything which has worked on someone getting attacks, get rid of it. Now i just pray that i get a positive answer for this with some good hope in it.

09-09-07, 18:47
I personally don't believe you will wake up one morning and all is well again ( I did think that would happen and believed it for months).

I do believe you can get better. Perhaps you might have the occasional attack ( just to let you know that it is there). I think the trick is to find the cause of them.

Then it does get tricky cos' I think the treatments available depend on individuals.

For me I only started to improve once I found this forum and realised I was not a nutter and suffering all on my own and would be locked away if I told anyone what was happening to my body and mind.

Then I gradually moved onto reading about panic attacks and once I understood what was happening it helped me a little.

My Dr was good but limited as they often are. The tablets helped to numb me so I could level myself out then commence the long haul back up to reality and my life.

My therapist is great.

As my adrenalin levels would not calm down I was advised to see an Osteopath who deals with this of condition. And that really helps me.

But it took me ages to find what worked for me. I tried nearly everything going - I was desperate.

I took some wrong turnings on the journey. And I am not cured. But I have a life. I work part-time, I have a partner and a young son. I am active, have interests and smile lots. And I am slowly learning that 1 panic attack or one day feeling low is not the end of the world and I can help myself.

Some days are rough and I feel so sorry for myself but I love the days I don't feel like that.

09-09-07, 20:35
Hey I dont have them anymore!!!!! !!!!!!!!
I was on meds too, see a counsellor and with some strong talking too- from myself that is! I dont have them anymore- I have anxiety rarely and Im doing good, looking positive and know if it happens again Ill get over it! I know the feelings pass.....believe me it does. I was in a panic for months- this led to anxiety. It can be done. If you fancu a chat im on msn kim_wilkinson487@hotmail.com:hugs:

10-09-07, 09:23
Hey Mayur.
I know you want the easy fix, whatever drugs you can take, who-ever can work their mojo,

But it seems you might not have accepted your anxiety which is the first step. You've got it and it will go away but you have to understand how anxiety works so that you can beat it when you have an attack, keep in mind all the tips you learn here and they'll get easier and eventually go.

i've had it for 3 months now but haven't had a sever panic attack for 2 of them.

Believe everyone that it might not go completely but very easy to live with and recover from.

good luck
