View Full Version : Cold/flu turning into meningitis/sepsis? Eye pain!

08-04-19, 19:37
So I’ve been poorly for about 2 weeks but the last 3 days I’ve had a pain in my left eye, it’s so bad and I’m freaking out about meningitis or sepsis. Like the virus has turned into something worse.

It hurts to move my eye from left to right or up and down, and it’s making me panic so much. My anxiety can’t take it. I went to the doctors yesterday and today and said I was scared of meningitis but they told me it’s fine.

But what is this pain in my eye?! It’s horrendous and I can’t stay calm :(

08-04-19, 19:39
What did the doctor say about the eye pain?

Positive thoughts

08-04-19, 19:42
Didn’t really say much, just that having a virus can cause all sorts of aches and pains. This just feels horrendous and I’m really frightened 😢

08-04-19, 19:46
Is it a scratching pain when you move your eye, or more muscular around the eye?

Either way, it does not sound concerning, and you've been seen by GP who obviously wasn't worried.

09-04-19, 02:55
If you feel a "pulsating" pain around or behind your eye, that may be a sinus infection - ask your doc about that. It usually happens right after a cold or flu finishes. It's annoying but it can be treated. If you feel a painful "pressure" around your sinus area around your eye then yeah, that might be the reason why, but again, *ask your doc* - your anxiety is taking control of you.