View Full Version : I have a nasty infection that's making me feel like i'm dying :(

09-04-19, 11:07
I started to get a smokey throat on Monday which is a classic sign for me that i'm about to become ill. Then my sinuses went, stuffy nose, stuffy head, migraine, fever, sneezing, blowing green mucus, chest tightness, constricted breathing, generally feeling like i've been hit by a bus.
This has happened a few times over the past year but i've stayed calm, not catastrophised, not ran to the doctors for antibiotics, upped my fluid intake and rode the wave and it always seemed to go quickly.

I approached this one exactly the same except I feel 500 million times worse with this one. I genuinely feel so rotten that i've convinced myself on numerous occasions i'm definitely dying. My chest is so tight, my cough is both wet and dry. I feel so lethargic. etc etc and the anxiety is making it so much worse.
Especially in the night i've convinced myself i'm not breathing and have had to take my blue inhaler which has provided some relief from the tightness.

Anyway I suffer with agoraphobia, my doctors surgery do same day appointments but it's like a walk in service, you have to sit and wait for an 1hr/2hrs. Normally I bite the bullet and get on with it but I walked into the waiting room today which was the busiest i've ever ever seen it and I couldn't do it.

The combination of the anxiety and how shit i feel tipped me over the edge and I came home in a flurry of tears and panic. I called the surgery to explain what happened and all they could offer me was a call back from a Doctor which I am now waiting on.

But i'm stressing myself because I want my chest listened to to see if it's gone into it!

I'm just getting more and more worked up and I feel worse and worse and the catasrophising is back with severe intrusive thoughts about this thing killing me.

I'm struggling to cope.

09-04-19, 11:23
Also I just wanted to add that i'm incredibly frustrated too and just wish I could be like everyone else who gets on with these things and doesn't immediately start planning their funeral.

Health anxiety is bad enough but then with the panic attacks and the agoraphobia, I don't know. I'm feeling sorry for myself and wish for nothing more than to be 'normal'