View Full Version : Muscle Twitching/Spasm in My Left “Wing” Back Muscle

09-04-19, 14:44
I woke up this morning planning on going to the gym and then I rolled over and it started happening. The large muscle on your back it’s like a wing shape, it started twitching and having spasms. They are little tweaks here and there and I of course googled after trying to relax it and it not going away. Tetanus, MS, and ALS all came up and now I’m in a ball crying my eyes out. I’m very worried. Tetanus has always freaked me out. I’ve had all my shots but haven’t had a booster since my teen years I think, I’m 27 now. I don’t have any open cuts or anything though. My husband works in trees and yesterday we were doing a side job and he had me hold a heavy rope that was tied to a branch a few times for long segments of time. He thinks from he using that muscle in the gym and then again for himself yesterday has made it weak and is causing the spasms. I’m worried he will go to work and I will get worse and something bad will happen. As I lay here I can still feel them. Then I read more on ALS and I’m freaked out. I woke up a little sweaty, although so did my hubs he said and the house is at 71 and we had our door closed all night. I also had to use the bathroom this morning and once I started freaking out the bms got worse. Can someone give me some clarity? Do you think this is just a fluke? Or should I be concerned?

09-04-19, 15:39
I of course googled

Google be like...


Positive thoughts

09-04-19, 16:07

If you over use a muscle then it is very common for it to twitch or spasm. Sounds like that's what you've done. No big deal.

Take care