View Full Version : Breathing

09-04-19, 20:16
I don't know if it's asthma or anxiety or what, but I've been having some breathing difficulty for a while. I can breathe, but it doesn't feel like I get enough air. On two occasions it got to a point where I felt faint and keeled over - the second time, unfortunately, happened to be at the doctor's, where I ended up getting a few tests done. I was prescribed Propranolol for it, but I'm still wondering if it's something else entirely, because it comes on when I'm not even panicking! Have I got a lung defect? Do I need to change my lifestyle? What?

09-04-19, 20:55
Have you had any more issues since starting Propranolol? If not then I'd say the tests performed were correct in showing the doctor what action to take. If you are still having these issues then I would certainly go back and talk to your doctor.

Good luck