View Full Version : UTI symptoms without the UTI??

10-04-19, 00:23
So, this is a bit unnerving, so I wanted to see what people have experienced.

The last few days I have had what I came to fear were UTI symptoms (rare in a guy, but not impossible). Finally dragged myself to urgent care, and of course did the pee test. But, after the physical exam and questions, the doc said nothing seemed wrong, and the pee test was totally clean (no protein, blood, or white cells).. in fact it was totally normal aside from ketones (but as I am doing keto, that is expected. Lol..).

They took the sample to culture, but didn't prescribe anything and just told me to wait. So, why the anxiety? My symptoms..

I had (at least thought) I had some pain/burning with going.
I have abdominal pain
I have back pain

Now, the problem is, I always have back pain (my weight loss came too late to save me from some problems). I showed them where the pain was (lower spine) and how it was worse when flexing, and they felt that the location and type didn't indicate kidney problems.

It's just easy to get worried that something is being missed, and I am trashing my kidneys as we speak. It is also nerve wracking for me, as this last year (start of my divorce and severe anxiety) has brought about a ton of various abdominal and back pain, associated to things like IBS; it's hard to tell if this pain is different from other pain, or where the pain is coming from. Is it my back throwing things off else where? Are my ab pains causing me to tweak my back?

Of course, after they asked about the back pain and if it was spreading, I feel like it is... but it could also just be me over thinking it (or just overall sore muscles everywhere).

Damn... sorry for rambling, just wanted to get all the thoughts out. Anyone deal with something like this?

10-04-19, 03:58
What's up shadowhawk

So my issues were a little different then yours as I had no pain with going or abdominal/back pain. I did however have a weird urge feeling in the tip if you know what I mean without going into too much detail. It wasn't an urge at my bladder at all but I thought fore sure a uti or something. Urine test was clear. I was told on here it was a common anxiety symptom which made since considering I was focused on it every passing minute. It went once I accepted it was anxiety but it still comes and goes if I start thinking about it and get anxious over it. Your test were clear. The pains your dealing with could very well be unrelated since you've been dealing with pains before. An anxious mind can latch onto something and run with it. Hang in there, I'm sure this will pass.

Take care

10-04-19, 17:52
I appreciate the feedback and sanity (its been a crazy day, which is why it took me so long to get back).

You are right of course, that i really shouldn't have much to worry about. They found absolutely nothing in the sample, but since they sent it out for culture, it gives me something else to worry about.

You are also right about my back and other pains.. i have had some form of back (and other) pains for YEARS.. hell, this isn't even the first time i made the jump to thinking it was kidney. it just sucks to try to get my head around the idea that i am not letting an infection fester for days (given how dire Dr Google makes a kidney infection sound...).

11-04-19, 03:35
I think it's pretty common practice to send samples out for culture. No big deal. I knew a lady once who had a kidney infection and she certainly knew it. No wondering, and her urine sample also showed infection. I'd say your alright and I think deep down you know you are as well. Quite hard to get an anxious mind to buy in sometimes. As far as Dr Googles prognosis. I learned the hard way it's best to not listen to it after a quick search of calf muscle twitches last summer. Dr. Google talked of nothing other then ALS. I had just squatted 515 lbs at the gym that day. Here I am 10 months or so later doing well. Still lifting and still an occasional twitch. Worst case scenario at the click of a mouse. Hang in there and try to get outside if you can. Fresh air always helps me.

Take care

11-04-19, 17:05
Worst case scenario at the click of the mouse is an excellent way to put it.

Just heard back from the doctor, and all my test results were negative. So, I guess that pretty much clears up the question of infection.. if the pee was clean and no culture grew.. I got nada. Still in pain sadly, but... least i am a little less worried.

Thanks for the support.. it's why i love the community here so much!

11-04-19, 22:35
I'm glad everything turned out well. Good luck from this point forward.

Take care

12-04-19, 16:51
Look up Interstitial cystitis. It can make you feel like you're having a UTI without having one. You could be just having a flare.

13-04-19, 00:08
Huh, never heard of that before, but ill be darned if it doesn't check a lot of boxes (especially with the clean test results). Ill make it appoint to ask my doc the next time I regularly see him. I really appreciate the info! :D