View Full Version : Glucose in urine during pregnancy..fear of Gestational Diabetes

10-04-19, 00:40

I am 21 weeks pregnant, had my normal checkup today and they found a very small amount of glucose in my urine. This is a first and my Dr said she wasn't the least bit worried about it, but my biggest fear during pregnancy is Gestational Diabetes and now I am afraid I am on the path to ending up with it :( Both my Dr and the nurse showed no concern at all and apparently small amounts can show up in pregnancy and not mean anything. I just wish I wasn't so obsessed with my health and could just trust in my Dr...why is that so hard?!?! Haha...she's one of the best Drs I've ever had and I know if she was concerned she'd be right on top of it. Sorry just needed a place to vent and if anyone has any of their own stories, I'd love to hear :) Thanks!

10-04-19, 00:53
Hello, congratulations on your pregnancy! It can be such a worrying time though.
I had gestational diabetes. What are you so concerned about? For me it just meant a diet change & extra monitoring. My baby was fine & so was I.
They often find things in urine tests, that’s why they do them! It’s best to be looked after. Also, they weren’t worried so you should put your faith in them.

10-04-19, 01:18
Thank you so much! My main concern is the gestational diabetes due to family history of diabetes. Everything has been completely normal so far, every scan shows normal growth, but the moment I get wind of something that is even just slightly off, throws my mind in all directions. I know i need to trust my doctor as they know best and if anything was concerning theyd send me for more testing. Hate health anxiety :(

10-04-19, 06:17
I have a family history of diabetes, so they tracked me closely. In my last pregnancy, I had a small amount of glucose in my urine, but only the once, and didn’t develop diabetes. It can happen. Trust your team, you are in good hands. :)

10-04-19, 11:02
Thank you AJBliss. I know i'm in good hands, and I know I need to trust them. Helps hearing other people's stories. I'm glad you had a successful pregnancy without GD... hoping the same for myself :)