View Full Version : Achy legs

10-04-19, 08:43
A couple of weeks ago I noticed that both of my legs were really aching almost like the tender ache you get before you get cramp. I ignored this and it went away. This week it’s back again I have a weeks holiday and all the time in the world to think about it and make it worse.

It’s at its worst when I’m sitting or laying down my legs feel very restless and just ache sometimes it’s my thighs sometimes calf’s or even both. There’s no swelling, redness or heat just a dull ache. We had a lazy day on Sunday watching films and that’s when I noticed this aching the most. I spent half the night awake googling blood clots and poor circulation.

It does feel better and often goes away completely when I’m busy but I catch myself thinking about it and within minutes it’s back.

I do think this is anxiety related and I know I’m working myself up into panic thinking about it so I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this. I also suffer from planter faciitis in both feet so maybe that’s adding to it?

10-04-19, 08:54
Okay, can help you out with this one for definite. I work at a college that runs a physiotherapy course, and I asked one of the teachers once about the plantar fasciitis symptoms I was experiencing. He told me that this was often a function of tight calf muscles - coincidentally, this really helped ease my worry over my calves, which occasionally feel slightly crampy for months.

You're fine, it's just muscle tension - maybe investigate some stretching exercises you can do to help make things easier?

10-04-19, 09:13
Thank you so much for your reply. I do need to do more stretching exercises I’ve noticed over the past few days just touching the backs of my heels is agony so I guess I could also be walking a little differently to try and ease the pain from that.

Again thank you you’ve made me feel so much better

19-04-19, 05:44
I posted last week about this I’ve had a few good days and a few not so good since just wondering if anyone else can relate.

Noticed a few weeks ago my legs were really aching but after drinking more water and moving the ache went away. Last week it came back with my anxiety and was worse. I thought maybe it had something to do with planter faciitis but now I’m not to sure.

The ache feels crampy and goes when I walk it’s worse at nights. Sometimes my thighs hurt sometimes my calf’s, feet or my whole leg. It almost feels like growing pains you get as a child. I’ve read about peripheral vascular disease so of course now my mind is telling me I have that. I’m in my early 30s overweight and when I had my sugar checked a year ago I wasn’t diabetic but my sugar levels were high so I’ve tried to cut down on sugar, I’m on my feet 8 hours a day with work often walking 5+ Miles.

I’ve tried telling myself if the aches go away it’s nothing to worry about but I’m constantly thinking about it and it’s starting to bring me down. I’m doing an online cbt workbook but I’m not sure it’s helping.

I know this sounds really silly and could be muscle tension but any thoughts on this would really be appreciated

30-04-19, 12:24
I’ve had this going on a few weeks now and wonder if anyone has had anything similar.
I first noticed that the backs of my thighs were really achy at work so I started to drink more water and that seemed to help. A week or so later I noticed a dull ache in my lower legs and that’s when my anxiety kicked in. I thought maybe it could be a blood clot but there’s no redness or swelling. The ache then seemed to move to different parts of my legs and feet. Some evening my legs would feel very restless and sore sometimes the pain would be worse that others there wasn’t really a pattern to it. It seemed to feel a lot better when I was out and about walking. I’ve contacted my dr and she’s suggested a blood test as it could be low iron levels causing this. I feel like a need to stretch my legs as my muscles feel really tight.

I’m really worried it could be due to high sugar and poor circulation

30-04-19, 13:03
The fact that your GP isn't checking this suggests it probably isn't a concern for her. That said, diabetes is very manageable these days.

30-04-19, 14:30
Thanks for your reply, just seems to be going on for a while now and I can’t see an end to it

30-04-19, 14:35
Sometimes these things can last for weeks to months, especially if you're actively looking out for them.

09-05-19, 21:45
Hiyer Bakedbeansrule,

Just wondering how your legs are doing now ? I know you had concerns about various reasons for it happening,but as you rightly point out - if it comes and goes then there is probably a far more benign cause. Posture in sitting ? Tension and holding mucles tightly ? I have issues like this caused from my dodgy sacroiliac joints (rear of pelvis). Anyhow, just wondering how you were getting on ?

09-05-19, 21:52

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