View Full Version : Leukaemia bruises?

10-04-19, 14:49
On Saturday evening I was with a mate having a catch up we ended up sitting on the park swings chatting for about 45 mins to an hour, I remember the metal links of the swing digging into my armpit area, the next day i woke up and both sides of my arms were sore and both sides at the top of my legs, my left arm has a slight faint bruise. I also have a bruise on my shin which I am not sure where from but maybe the gym.

Is it normal for sitting on a swing to make my arms and legs sore and cause a bruise?

10-04-19, 14:53
Is it normal for sitting on a swing to make my arms and legs sore and cause a bruise?

This is a hard one to answer as I've not sat on a child's park swing for an hour with the links digging into my arms and legs :roflmao: However, I can well imagine that it could cause some bruising and pain. Some people are more prone to bruising than others, and if you had an hour of pressure in a rather sensitive area (under the arms) then yeah, I'll bet it could. You have a cause and effect here Shaun, why look any further to something sinister?

10-04-19, 14:53
What do you think?

You have a cause but you have come up with cancer.

15-04-19, 04:25
For my edification, tell me how a symptom of Leukaemia is an overnight development of bruises precisely in the exact spot you irritated your skin a few hours ago. ;)