View Full Version : Now it's my leg (dvt/bone cancer)

10-04-19, 17:11
I have so many worries ATM I'm losing track. I usually have achey legs around my time of month but that's been and gone and my right leg around has 'growing pains' type of ache. Up to my hip and into my shin too. I'm worrying about anersum because hear heartbeat rhythm in ear, worry about BC because bleeding and pooping (which eased today. After using anusol). I keep reading things on internet accidentally - Facebook articles or statuses and people my age dying from any of the above.

10-04-19, 17:14
Aw, Helen! I promise, nothing's wrong with you other than the worrying.

10-04-19, 17:48
It is not DVT or any other of your worries.

I think that you should look at doing one post only instead of a new one for eaxh fear,

Do you have a date for therapy yet?

10-04-19, 17:49
What's happening with your CBT etc?

10-04-19, 20:40
Appointment in a few weeks for high intensity.

I still have this achey leg hip to the knee. Cramp like.

10-04-19, 20:43
But it is always ... in a few weeks and then never happens.

It is nothing Helen and you know that.

10-04-19, 20:48
We have posted this free CBT link several times. It is FREE and you can work through modules at your own pace. http://cbt4panic.org/

11-04-19, 20:02
Ughh now worried about sharp shooting pains under diaphragm upper abdomen after getting up from funny angle!

11-04-19, 20:14
Helen you have HA and nothing more. When are you going to start looking after your mental health?

16-04-19, 12:26
My hip, buttocks and knee were aching on left leg last time it has been two weeks on and off now mostly at night so worried it is sarcoma. I had to use ibuprofen. It is usually around my knee and thigh but last night was around buttocks too.

16-04-19, 12:29
It's really not sarcoma, Helen.

16-04-19, 22:01
It's a sign though if you have leg pain at night. It was bad last night across that whole area

16-04-19, 22:07
Helen you have HA and nothing more. When are you going to start looking after your mental health?


17-04-19, 00:21
Now I'm still nervous that I can occasionally hear heartbeat this in left ear especially if just gotten into bed.

17-04-19, 00:24
Do you have to keep ignoring everyone ?

17-04-19, 00:43
From safe googling I will answer your question (again)....then maybe you could answer ours or you could ignore us (again)

Ask the experts

When I lie down at night with my head on my pillow I can hear my heart beating loudly in my ears. It is often so loud that I cannot get to sleep.

Doctor's response

It is very common to sense your heart beat while lying in bed

17-04-19, 16:49
I guess the fact that you are now on a different one of your threads and replying on there says it all really.......