View Full Version : Dentist appointment not until 1st may. Painless lump behind tonsil

11-04-19, 12:51
Hi all. Recently my HA has been going berserk, and just when things seem to be getting better I find a lump in the back of my throat. Every time I go to the doctors they dismiss me with mental issues. Has anyone else had a small, 3cm, painless swelling in the back of their throat? I have a cold, lymph nodes are enlarged, they have been constantly present but have doubled in size now. This forum has helped me in the past. Not many people are likely to check the back of their throats like people with HA
All the best

11-04-19, 13:41
Not personally, no. Although I will say its probably related to your viral infection!

It's great you're seeing a dentist for this, as they are truly the experts of the mouth, and to a certain degree the entire face, treating conditions like TMJ migraine etc. So whatever the dentist tells you, listen to them and trust their judgement! They are MORE than qualified in this area

11-04-19, 13:59
3cm is not small and wouldn't be missed by a medical professional or dentist. You say its a swelling. My question is how can you as a layman effectively measure or differentiate between normal body structure and something that's an issue?

Positive thoughts

11-04-19, 14:43
Thanks for the reply chaps. I was hoping to post a picture in order to measure everyone's reaction but the forum does not permit this action.
I know this is not normal because I have monitored my throat for few years now, after the hpv scare and permanent lymph node enlargement a few years ago. I hope it is a cyst. And must resist going to the doctors because they dismiss me whenever I go because my anxiety, and worries, are always wrong.
All the best.