View Full Version : Scared of DVT. D dimer test negative.

11-04-19, 14:34
I am a 24 year old woman who has been on birth control pills for 9 years, which of course means I have an increased chance of getting a blood clot. I've had a pain in my calf and weird burning sensations for two days now. Now I have shortness of breath.

I went to urgent care last night and they did a d dimer test, which came back negative, but the paper they gave me when they discharged me says "your test was negative, this is not likely a blood clot." Of course, since I have HA, all I can focus on is the word "likely." I Googled d dimer accuracy and found this story (https://www.stoptheclot.org/patient-stories/lisa-cowan-wells-blood-clot-story/) where a woman with a blood clot had several negative d dimer test results. Scared because I now have shortness of breath too, so it might be a PE now.

11-04-19, 17:31
Well only you can decide what to do next really. You either believe the test or you go and see someone about it.

The shortness of breath could just be because you are anxious.

11-04-19, 18:09
You're right. Trying not to Google or think too much into it and just accept the results, but the internal battle between logic and HA is always a tough one to win.

12-04-19, 00:45
Anyone else have a similar experience?

12-04-19, 01:09
Anyone else have a similar experience?

Scroll to the bottom of the page or do a search :shrug:

Positive thoughts

12-04-19, 01:57
Oh trust me, I've scoured this website for posts about this topic and have read them all!

12-04-19, 03:24
Oh trust me, I've scoured this website for posts about this topic and have read them all!

So... what more do you need? To my knowledge, no one has had one in the time I've been here :shrug:

Positive thoughts

13-04-19, 01:50
I guess I just want people who have had a d-dimer test before to share their outcomes.

13-04-19, 07:53
I am a 23 year old women and had the same problem two years ago. I was extremely anxious because I was short of breath and the middle of my chest felt very tight. To cope I kept scratching at my chest over and over because it felt so tight. I went to the ER in a panic and was immediately admitted. They ran the D dimer as well as ran a chest CT scan. This had me in a panic! Both came back clear and they ended up giving me Ativan for the severe panic attack I was having. Moral of the story anxiety can present in many ways! Although only you know your body so seek help even if to find re assurance nothing is wrong. But a negative d dimer is a great sign and points to the fact that you are most likely completely fine!!!