View Full Version : Waking up a little sweaty and worried

11-04-19, 15:22
Hey guys, a few days ago I thought I had tetanus and the muscle twitches went away within hours. Go figure! But now here we are. Like 3/4 nights this week I’ve woken up and had sweat under my hair on my neck, and around my collar of my shirt. Immediately I freak out and think sign of C because my best friend from hs had that as a symptom and because I’ve read it on the good ole google. But my husband is like dude you fall asleep with flannel pj pants on and you snuggle under a comforter, a quilted blanket, and a fuzzy blanket. It’s also starting to get hotter here. Like 70’s outside so our house is maybe getting down to like 69 at night and we leave our door closed. I’m also working out more so maybe I’m just running hotter than usual? Or it’s literally the fact that I fall asleep under all those blankets and in flannel pjs....anyways, he told me specifically not to google so I’m here instead! Thank you guys

11-04-19, 15:34
You reassured your self in your post :shades:

Positive thoughts

11-04-19, 17:21
Yep.. you fell asleep wearing thicker clothing under blankets.. I might worry more if you didn't sweat then. ;-)

The kind of sweating you are worrying about, in all seriousness, is not what you described. That sweating is all out bed drenching, pillow soaking, clothes changing night sweats. Even then, not all night sweats are cancer - before I started using a CPAP, I was quite prone to leaving a sweaty bed. Within the first or second night of successful treatment, it stopped. (Ahem, not that apnea is good at all, but at least it is treatable).

Anyway, you know the cause, so..... don't sweat it! :-D