View Full Version : Neck/Jaw tightness or weakness?

11-04-19, 17:19
I've had the weirdest sensation in my neck and jaw over the last few days. It feels like a need some sort of support for it. Plus on occasion, I have a sort of chin tremble - as though I'm about to cry. Have to be honest - it's scaring me. I haven't googled but prior knowledge is throwing up all sorts. Anyone?

11-04-19, 18:40
As this is such a vague symptom and you're not reporting actual problems, I think this is a case of "hyper-focusing" .....

11-04-19, 18:43
Yeah probably. I've got a scarf wrapped round my neck sort of supporting it and holding my head up. Very weird indeed. Just can't remember the last time I felt "symptom free".

12-04-19, 09:45
It comes from unconsciously clenching your jaw all the time. Try stretching your jaw muscle by opening and closing your mouth (widely) a few times to loosen it off, and try to be more aware of how you hold your jaw during the day. You'll probably be surprised at how many times your jaw is clenched shut just sitting there 'relaxing'.

12-04-19, 13:00
I am aware that I clench all sorts of muscles to be honest. And have to consciously relax. Just having a bit of a bad time at the moment with more weird sensations throughout my body (weakness, tingling, pins and needles) so with the neck weakness as well, jumping to the usual unhelpful conclusions. Just when you think you've cracked it - something else rears it's head. Would love to just feel normal.