View Full Version : Please tell me I'm overreacting about this mole

12-04-19, 01:25
So welcome to my 3rd annual mole freak out. Today I noticed a new mole that I'm certain is a new mole. It's near a mole I monitor and I saw it today. No idea how long it's been there since I usually only pay attention to my old mole but by looking at pictures of old mole, it wasn't there in August. It's not very big, maybe 1.5 mm, but it is fairly dark, darker than a lot of my moles. So the fact that it's new and dark is not doing my HA any favors. I never really get new moles. Luckily, I scheduled a derm appointment for Monday a week ago for an annual screening, so I will be showing it to her and most likely cutting it off. Melanoma has to start from somewhere, so what if this mole is the beginning of a melanoma?

12-04-19, 01:26
Please tell me I'm overreacting about this mole

You're overreacting about that freckle.

Positive thoughts

12-04-19, 01:29
Lol my mind (and husband) is telling me I'm being crazy. It's just so dark and new. I try to tell myself most people probably wouldn't even notice if it was on their body.

12-04-19, 01:30
, so what if this mole is the beginning of a melanoma?

What if anything is anything?!?! That glass of wine is the beginning of liver disease, that French fry the beginning of a heart attack, leaving your garage the beginning of an accident?

Thats catastrophic thinking and will absolutely control your life if you let it.

12-04-19, 01:32
Well I'm just saying someone that has a new mole that turns into melanoma, it has to start smaller right? Like it doesn't just pop up 6mm+ does it? I definitely don't think that way in other regards, which is apparent by my burger and fries for dinner.

12-04-19, 01:38
I efinitely don't think that way in other regards, which is apparent by my burger and fries for dinner.

No wine? :winks:

In all seriousness thats nothing. You have 0 to worry about.

12-04-19, 02:10
I've had a few new freckles like your one pop up over the past few years - not too big but very dark.
And yes, I went down the HA rabbit hole of what if this, what if that................
And guess what - I'm still here, and so are those dark freckles.
It's just a dark freckle, end of story.
And to answer your question - yes, you're completely over reacting. You've nothing to worry about :D

12-04-19, 08:28
I have a few dark moles that I THINK are new, but really aren't. And I've been checked by 2 skin specialists who both thought there was nothing wrong with any of them!
I always recommend going to skin clinic if you want to be sure, but I really think it's an overreaction. You're a-okay. <3

12-04-19, 09:36
A few years back I had a mole on the side of my face that started growing so fast you could see daily progress. It then became hard and crispy and ultimately started bleeding.

I was was quite concerned.

Guess what? It was nothing. Just....the body being weird. The Doctor told me it was benign, and would probably drop off in a day or two. One day later it dropped off and never came back.

So, even if your moles do change shape or you get new ones, don't automatically assume the worst.

12-04-19, 12:40
Thats a freckle, people develop new ones over their lifetime constantly.

so I will be showing it to her and most likely cutting it off.

Well, good luck with that ! If you carry on with that reaction you will be covered in unneccessary scars and having bits cut off for the rest of your life. I have developed tiny moles my whole life, and my daughter (as a darker skinned person) has a few new ones come every year, her father has hundreds and hundreds (all absolutely fine!!!)

12-04-19, 13:33
...I have hundreds like that. If you really can't deal with it you'll have to choose between being covered in moles or covered in scars.

12-04-19, 13:48
I don't cut every mole off. I have multiple ones that look far worse that I monitor. I just don't like brand new and darker than most my other ones. Honestly if it was lighter, I'd probably just monitor it. The 5 moles I have had cut off (except one) the doctor decided they wanted off.

12-04-19, 15:21
I don't cut every mole off. I have multiple ones that look far worse that I monitor. I just don't like brand new and darker than most my other ones. Honestly if it was lighter, I'd probably just monitor it. The 5 moles I have had cut off (except one) the doctor decided they wanted off.

It is normal for us to get new moles up until we are 60. My husband has had 20 removed due to cancer concerns. Just because you have a new mole or freckle, means nothing. You are completely overreacting.

12-04-19, 15:22
Of course, do what you want as I'm seeing your anxiety argue facts and reality here but that's a 'freckle' not a raised mole and needs no attention.

Positive thoughts

13-04-19, 02:16
Megan, I can't see the pic but it does not matter. We can't diagnose moles over the internet. You are seeing a professional in 3 days. Leave it to him to decide. Even if we play the worst case scenario, and that tiny spec is melanoma, it is probably super early and you will be cured by surgery. I stress that it is likely nothing but you see even in the worst case it is still not much to stress about. And I'm not saying this just to say something. I am a long term melanoma anxiety sufferer. As far as melanoma anxiety goes, I've been through it all. When you reach the rock bottom, you realize that there is no other way but up. I no longer run to the derm with every little speck. I measure, take pic and observe. But since you are having an appt anyway go have it taken care of, but please dont find another one. All the best!

23-04-19, 16:18
So I went to my doctor and she wouldn't cut it off even though it was new. So I tried to forget about it for a week. Well checked it today and it has changed, my sister even showed a doctor she works with it and he said slightly. I'm flipping out and so mad because my doctor was like just watch it and you know how that is for someone with anxiety. UGH now I'm spiraling worst than ever. I feel like it has to be melanoma if it's new AND changing.

23-04-19, 19:42
Make an appt with a derm (different one than the one you saw if that is who you saw) and insist they remove it. If it changes, I always have them removed, even just for peace of mind. Otherwise you are going to find yourself spending WAY too much time constantly examining it, comparing it to pictures, etc (I speak from MUCH experience on that one!). But I wouldn't worry. You said it just showed up recently, so time is on your side. Just take a deep breath and see a different derm. :flowers:

23-04-19, 19:59
Make an appt with a derm (different one than the one you saw if that is who you saw) and insist they remove it. If it changes, I always have them removed, even just for peace of mind.

Respectfully, I disagree. In addition to the costs, that's just keeping the dragon well fed.

Positive thoughts

23-04-19, 20:19
Well I'm not for certain when it showed but it has to be fairly recent. I wanted it move then because I didn't want to have to monitor it and be freaking out if it changed. Which it has. Not drastically but it's only been less than two weeks. But I already made one.

23-04-19, 20:23
But I'm certain it changed. It's obvious in the pictures. I don't like taking chances

24-04-19, 17:39
4761 It's changing so fast. It almost looks like it is going to peel off and has gotten smaller? This can't be normal.

24-04-19, 17:43
Pretty sure a key characteristic of melanoma is that they don't shrink.

24-04-19, 17:45
But they can scab and fall off and I've heard of "disappearing" melanomas? It doesn't feel raised or rough like a scab though. Melanoma and lymph nodes are my weak point because I can't just say I'm "imagining" them. ugh. I'm even annoying myself with the constant posts but I can't help it when I get in this state.

24-04-19, 23:07
But they can scab and fall off and I've heard of "disappearing" melanomas? It doesn't feel raised or rough like a scab though. Melanoma and lymph nodes are my weak point because I can't just say I'm "imagining" them. ugh. I'm even annoying myself with the constant posts but I can't help it when I get in this state.

Are you booked with a doctor?

The mole is changing. I don't know if a melanoma would recede that fast, and I am sure there have to be other things that flake off. Is it possible it's a SK or AK? Have you been scratching at it? I have scratched off SKs that were really dark (like 6 years ago, and it never grew back, so I am thinking SK.

My bets are on SK....but....only a doctor can tell. Something changing warrants a doc, and no one here can tell you what it is. I know it's hard, but you need to book the appointment and then stop posting about it, asking about it, looking at it.

25-04-19, 00:28
Yes. I have an appointment on Friday. I had not been scratching at it before yesterday morning but since then I've definitely looked at it touched it a lot more. It's not roughed or raised, you can just kind of see an outline where it looks like it's going to flake off. If you've ever had a flat blood blister on your finger, it kind of looks like it'll flake off like that. It's always had a red hue to the brown and looked brighter or closer to the surface than other moles, idk how to explain it. Here's a better picture of it before. 4762 there's no way I can stop thinking about it. My brain will not allow that haha. I'm better than I was yesterday though. I'm just hoping it was never a mole to begin with with how drastic and fast it's changing.

25-04-19, 14:09
Well took a shower and the "scab" fell off now looks like a regular light brown mole, like all the other ones I have all over my body. So that can't be good that it was scabbed and even my doctor couldn't even tell...

16-07-19, 14:47
Hi just wondering how did it go?
I’m having a similar thing with one of mine, on my back it’s light brown probably about 4mm wide, and several weeks ago the corner of it was coming away and scabbed up not sure if I caught it or because of my bra.
It’s better now but still abit rough feeling/scabby it hasn’t got bigger or anything.
My doctor seems adamant it’s ok and most likely a seborrheic keratosis... I’m not sure I’m only 30! Driving me mad

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