View Full Version : Mole with weird growths on it

12-04-19, 03:15
I’ve had this mole on the left side of my body (stomach) but last summer i looked at it and noticed it had some weird growths on the outside of it, which i can use a tweezer and just remove them myself. I have only removed one of these strange dots by myself but im really horrified, i haven’t given it much thought until i looked at it now :( im only 17 years old is there any chance this is a nodular melanoma??? its brown, has even edges and looks fine but also it has a red spot and i really do hope its not blood...

what can i do? it’s 4:15 am i can’t sleep cus im so horrified

12-04-19, 10:50
I am giving you the advice of a well respected 'mole expert' Dr Stephen Hayes who runs a blog about melanoma and other skin lesions being identified through dermoscopy.

He has the ABCDEF rule

A - asymmetry
B - border (scalloped or poorly defined)
C - Colour. Only one colour should be present. Light brown with a dark brown centre is OK as long as there is no concern of recent change
D - diameter over 5mm
E - ERYTHEMA. Red or pink in a mole is a RED FLAG and must be seen urgently.
F - Funny. Funny peculiar, not funny hilarious. This is the mole which looks like nothing else on your skin

Recent change (Also E for evolution in the ABCD rule)

Hairs growing from moles is not always a sure fire sign they're benign. Dr Hayes has highlighted this many times, and has many examples where melanomas still had hairs growing from them.

Itching is almost NEVER a sign of melanoma.

Bleeding moles is a late sign - don't wait until your mole is bleeding because by then it has entered the verticle growth stage and is at a later stage.

Being 17, melanoma would be quite rare at your age. But certainly you'd be best to get this lesion seen to by your GP or dermatogist.

Good luck