View Full Version : Collarbone lump?

14-04-19, 12:00
Only stressed because I heard collarbone can be a bad place to find lumps...I feel like at least 6 months ago I noticed this when I was drying my hair looking in the mirror - I was extending my arm (and so my collarbone popped out somewhat), and I notice when I do that action, a tiny ball travels under the skin (from the bottom front surface of my collarbone, up to the top, and then disappears). Obviously it's completely moveable, as it moves on its own, and in saying that it's quite hard to 'catch it' to feel it, but if I place my finger on my collarbone I can momentarily 'trap it' - it's very small, definitely pea size and smooth, and when I touch it I do feel a bit tender/discomforted. As I said I noticed it at least 6 months ago, and I just kind of forgot about it I guess, but recently saw it in the mirror again and got worried. It hasn't changed at all which is good, and I've asked my parents (who are doctors) and they say they don't know what it is but it doesn't seem cancerous at all, but of course I'm stressing regardless as I want those definite answers of what it is...does it sound like it could be anything bad? I am also a naturally thin person, and since I have to do certain arm movements for it to pop up it seems many others could have this and not even realise.

It's actually quite hard to describe...I don't know if my explanation is the best but I found this one on yahoo answers and honestly it sounds EXACTLY like mine

14-04-19, 12:21
I think its a lipoma (just a small fatty ball) but still feel quite stressed due to its location

14-04-19, 12:23
If your parents are doctors, and they've felt it, they're farrrrr better placed at giving reassurance than any person on this forum (or any person online, including online doctors).

14-04-19, 12:29
I know, it's just because it's already quite hard to 'trap' and feel it, I get it in place and they do one touch and it pretty much disappears and they're like 'yes it's fine.' I just read this
Again sounds exactly like mine and a couple of people replied mentioning all clear doctor's appointments and scans, so I guess I should relax.

Has anyone else had something similar?

14-04-19, 12:34
From the outside looking in, based on several recent threads, its apparent you're really struggling. Other than real life professional help, I'm not sure what can be said to help :(

Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts