View Full Version : Weight Loss

14-04-19, 17:07
Hello everyone

I noticed when I weighed myself today I was 164lbs. I normally weigh 170lbs. Is it normal to lose this much weight loss. I am not feeling bad or anything.

14-04-19, 17:55
You don't say over how long or have you been eating less, exercising more etc etc.

14-04-19, 18:35
If you have been watching what you eat, moving more, and it depends on how long, what time of day you weighed yourself, weight fluctuates throughout the day, and if you have been doing more to get healthy then yes it is normal to drop weight.

14-04-19, 18:40
Eat more carbs in the next few days and you will gain weight, although, not sure why you would want that.

14-04-19, 21:13
So I have been running for about two years. I run about 3-4 times a week. I eat healthy generally. I just turned 28 and I am male. I have been working to reduce my sugar intake completely. Like I have been drinking my coffee black with some cinnamon powder. I have gotten to where I don’t like overly sugary foods and drinks
Tonight I am going to eat spaghetti so I will get plenty of carbs.

This is probably me getting worked up. I have had a fear of getting type 2 diabetes. I read where weight loss is a symptom. That is probably why I am so strict on my sugar intake

14-04-19, 22:28
You never answered my questions

14-04-19, 22:52
By reducing your carbs you reduce water weight. You can lose 4-5 pounds in a day or two just by cutting carbs. It is water weight though.

Just do not start eating unhealthy food now because you are afraid that you have cancer.

14-04-19, 23:06
You never answered my questions

Oh sorry. Well I noticed it today. I checked my weight last week and it was 169-170.
I haven't really been doing anything differently tbh. Perhaps it was just the time of day I took my weight. I don't take my weight everyday so it might fluctuate more than I realize.

14-04-19, 23:12
not sure why you are worrying about this to be honest

15-04-19, 04:56
You're probably right. I seem to get worried if I gain weight or lose weight. I don't own a scale or at least a very accurate one. tHe scale I used was at a relative's house.

I have no other physical symptoms. I need to remind myself of that. I can get caught up on stuff like this are minor.

15-04-19, 12:52
Your weight could easily fluctuate 3-5lbs in a single day depending on what you are doing and what time you weight yourself, so 6lbs over the period of a week is nothing to worry about. You'll probably find that if you weighed yourself next week it'd be up towards 170lbs again, or not. Not worth monitoring or adjusting your diet for, it's a meaningless number unless the there is prolonged, unexplained weight loss.