View Full Version : weak hands

18-01-05, 02:35
Hey all...
I have not been around much... we have just moved. Anyway... I have something that I have been worrying about that I wanted to run by all of you. Lately I feel like I have very weak hands... I was trying to write something today and I felt like I couldnt hold my pen. I really felt like I lost all the strength in my hand... I have been really worried about having a disease such as MS... and this is just making that fear worse. anyone have any insight? [Sigh...]

18-01-05, 15:38
I had the same problem a few months after i gave birth to my son james, went to the doctor and spoke about things ruled out anything serious and after a few months it got better and im fine now. Perhaps its nerves or pressure on the nerves like having a bad back if you know what i mean.

Im sure you ll be fine go to the docs and get some reasurance and tests done to be sure.

Let us know how you get on xxxxxxx

Love Sarah-Jane xxxx

18-01-05, 23:48
I have had the weak hands and tingling and numbness. I went to the Doctor and all was fine, but the thing he had me do was squeeze on to his hands. I had strength but I did not think so. So if you have someone to squeeze, give them a squeeze and realize I am fine.
I used to fear MS as well.
Take care and when you are writing don't stare at your hands.
