View Full Version : Ear Popping

10-09-07, 01:27
just wondering if anyone else has this after they exercise i get it now and again and always end up getting dizzy and its always both ears that pop and it feels like theres a pressure inside my head

10-09-07, 01:41
hi gareth dont worry i have them problems to my ears are always popping weather i exersise or not it is part of your anxiety i have already been the docs and he said it was you may also be overdoing it tc elaine x

10-09-07, 04:07
Thanx elaine yeah i suppose playing 90 minutes football for the first time in 6 years cud be seen as overdoing it lol

10-09-07, 16:17
Yip I get this too - hence my excuse to avoid exercise :shrug:

90 mins of football - no wonder u felt like this, Im exhausted just thinking of it lol

Well done anyway and keep doing the exercise - but GRADUAL :yesyes:

Darkangel x

10-09-07, 17:22
Hiya Gareth :)

Yeah I get this too.

I put it down to a bad tooth infection I had a few months back which lead to sinus problems etc. But looking back now I guess I had it before then because I use to get it slightly when I exercised.

I had it when I was picking my children up from school today. The wind out there seem to set it off :weep: .

I am a lil bit baffled by this really as recently I had tight throat and everytime I had that feeling in my throat the ear popping was right there with it.

So I don't know whether mine is anxiety or sinus related or both!! :shrug:

Wow you have done well to do 90 mins of exercise:yesyes: I need to start doing my running machine again lol.


10-09-07, 18:50
just wondering if anyone else has this after they exercise i get it now and again and always end up getting dizzy and its always both ears that pop and it feels like theres a pressure inside my head

Yes I get it.
I have been away from this board from a long time and this is due to severe lightheadedness/dizziness
ears popping
going deaf
ears ringing
pressure in head/ears feeling
just feeling like crap in general
I went to docs 3 times and was diagnosed with labrynthitis sp? (its more common than I knew)
It came after a virus and worsens with stress.
Yes exercise will bring on the vertigo and the brain tries to compensate for what the ears should be doing with regards to balance.
Im not certain you have it but sounds like it.
Nice to meet you btw.

Love fly x

11-09-07, 05:27
just wondering if anyone else has this after they exercise i get it now and again and always end up getting dizzy and its always both ears that pop and it feels like theres a pressure inside my head

Ok You asked . Yes yes yes always .

Sometimes when you get to warm the sinus tubes and membranes get closed and also the fluids become lodged in them thus causing you to have pressure inside the sinus cavaties and pushing along the ear canals and causing the equilibrium to become off balance and making you dizzy.

The first time this ever happen to me I thought i was having a heart attack. I was 14 .It scared me so bad. The very next time i went to the doctor he told me it was inner ear trouble associated with sinus issues .

Also when you have a slight cold it does the same thing. Remember that your ears and eyes cooridnate your balance.

One being off just a little can cause the dizziness and also just a little blockage of fluids can cause the pressure and the same.Take care its temporary but at least next time you will know what it is. Take care Its fine.