View Full Version : Gingivitis, Swollen Gland, Abnormal Cells and Health Anxiety!

15-04-19, 10:26
For the past two weeks I have been in over my head with health anxiety.

I had gingivitis last year (localised) which never fully went away, but has come back strong in the past two weeks. I then started feeling that my neck was tight, which led me down the (apparently common) swollen gland (on one side) rabbit hole, which a simple google search revealed MUST be throat cancer. Worse yet, after more digging I found out this is linked to HIV, which spiralled my mind even more. Research in that area has made me feel happier that it's highly unlikely thats the case though. I now have a sore throat on one side and I am panicking a little about that, not sure if I am imagining it because I was prodding my glands all day yesterday before it happened. It was find this morning but as the day is going on I feel it's worse.

Next up, a clickbait news storyline hooked me, what was it about? Cervical cancer of course! I skipped my HPV vaccine in school which doesn't help me (never knew the importance of it when I was 16 sadly), my first smear at 20 was negative (hooray) but my second one at 23 was returned 'Mild Abnormalities', nothing about HPV however. I have had yearly smears since then (now almost 25), the last one I never received my results (forgot about). Around the same time as my abnormal result, I had an STD and BV, which I've read may flag up changes in the cervix, and as my second yearly test never came back, I assume there was nothing to worry about.

My BV has also returned, and my rib cage on my left has went funny with a little boney bit sticking out, which I have an x-ray booked for next month. My dentist last year informed me that anxiety and stress can trigger gingivitis, as well as poor diet and nutrition. I've never flossed in my life until last week, and due to my mental health, I haven't been eating well for around 2 years, haven't really been taking care of myself at all. Even with my gingivitis last year, I still sometimes would get drunk and forget to eat or brush my teeth. I've been told by the dentist about the possibility I have a vitamin deficiency, which funnily enough could account for all my issues, but still feel that thats leaving me open to the possibility I'll be randomly dying soon, especially since my anxiety is suppressing my appetite.

There is no history of any major health problems in my family, only dementia. I have a fantastic immune system and I am aware I have health anxiety, but theres always a 'What If', I'm driving my family and friends mad with this.

18-04-19, 22:33
I would think your gingivitis could definitely be the cause of the swollen gland - your immune system is reacting - and that in turn could lead to a sore throat. So, not sinister but I hope you can get that gingivitis under control, that's no fun!

As for the HPV vaccine, can't you still get it if it would give you peace of mind? I didn't think there was an age cutoff.

What kinds of things have you done to face your anxiety, particularly your health anxiety?