View Full Version : Lightheadness/dizziness at night when in bed ongoing for weeks

15-04-19, 16:18
HI lovely people. So.. I have had vertigo on and off for years and been able to manage it by making adjustments to my life to avoid it. I have BBPV I believe... However, for the last 2 months or more I am feeling lightheaded and dizzy/off balance most of the day and at night which is awful as lying down was always a reprieve from vertigo. I am exhausted as cannot get back to sleep when I wake up like this, it is not spinning on the outside but on the inside like lightheaded and whoozy I am so exhausted not getting hardly any sleep. Anyone else had this ? I paid private to see a consultant couldn't afford it! but he doesn't really know what is causing this night time issue and I think sometimes if they think you have anxiety they put it down to that but I know this is different as I am not anxious when I go to bed or wake up unless I feel lightheaded! Please help I am desperate cant go on like this..

15-04-19, 17:09
I have chronic light-headedness and keep it under control by keeping my sinuses clear. The eustachian tube in my left ear is too small or something so whenever I eat dairy or allergies flare up or anything causes my head to stuff up, I get dizzy and light-headed. Try a few days of Claritin D or using some Afrin for a few days to see if you can open things up - that might offer some relief and then you'll know it's a sinus issue.

16-04-19, 13:01
Thanks Sue for your reply. I am not keen on medications and I do think this is balance linked probably ears or I don't know... I was hoping for more responses to this issue as it is really getting me down..