View Full Version : Lymph node on back of neck hurts to press. Worried about it.

15-04-19, 22:27
I want to say I haven't experienced this before, but I have. My lymph nodes (both left and right side) on the back of my neck sometimes become prominent. For a few days I will have a lymph node which will become prominent. It could be on the left side of my neck at the back, or on the right side. Generally it's more on the left side. Anyway, today I felt around and it was prominent on my left side and hurt to press. Is this normal?

Because I have experienced this before on a few occasions, I'm wondering whether it's just a sign that I'm tired and a bit stressed. I have been a bit more stressed than usual, but also my diet has been poor and my sleep has been a bit poor. Could all that be affecting my body?

I just wanted to mention that they do go down eventually and back to normal, but I don't know the reason they rise. I am thinking it is due to diet/stress/lack of sleep. That is just my thinking though. As somebody with healthy anxiety, you worry about everything.

17-04-19, 19:49
Mark, Good for you that you’re moderating your own fear response.

If you’re worried about lymphoma, those nodes feel nothing like a normal swollen gland, and they don’t hurt. They also don’t go up and down like that. I’ve had lymphoma so I know.

Normal swollen nodes get sore, go up and down, etc. Your lymph system is designed to flush the crap out of your system, and they’re good at it. That’s why they swell sometimes. And they also will swell if you continue to palpate them.