View Full Version : Scared of a new decade

16-04-19, 15:03
We're getting closer to a new decade (2020s) and its very frightening for me and raises my anxiety. It all seems happening so fast and feels too "far in the future" for me. This has me worrying because who knows what the worlds going to be like. Like how many disasters will happen. Its extremely petrifying. It feels like only yesterday since New Year 2019 happened and we're already in April!

It makes me feel pressured to accomplish my goals fast (writing a story, etc.)

Sometimes I wish life had a rewind button, or I could retreat to a big, open wilderness where time didn't exist and I could just relax.

Any advice on how to calm my anxiety about this? Thanks.

16-04-19, 15:11
Stop thinking about what you should be doing, and start thinking about what you want to be doing.

Life's too short not to waste it on fun stuff.

16-04-19, 23:34
I know. I just get anxious about these things quite strongly.

16-04-19, 23:46
Did you go through to 2010 with no problem though?

17-04-19, 00:06
Yeah, but thats when I was younger and my anxiety wasn't as strong back then.

17-04-19, 00:25
Nothing bad will happen - get the anxiety under control first and foremost.

17-04-19, 22:33
Thanks. I will try but its quite difficult at times.

18-04-19, 00:47
Time is funny because in the context of the Universe it doesn't exist at all. It all started with the sundial.

Hear me out for a moment. Let's pretend humans don't exist and the only things that exist is the other animals, and nature. Would time exist? Nope.

Humans are the only species that live to a measurement that humans created. Humans created time and base our entire lives around time.

Yet, it's all we know. From the moment of birth we are born into a world that lives to a mechanical ticking clock.

Time runs out. Humans know this. It's why we fear death. We fear the time running out. We know there's an end. We know the average death rate for all sorts of types of people. We hope to live to old age for a long period of "time". It's why we rush to work (some people have accidents from rushing). Some people get stressed and anxious when under pressure to have something completely by x time. Or, the stress of something not happening at x time.

The world might be a different place without a life that is built around time. We shall never know. What I do know is as a living being I don't believe I was intended to function the way current life expects living lifeforms to function. And it's this that is the cause for much anxiety, distress and depression.

I like the advice from BlueIris:

Stop thinking about what you should be doing, and start thinking about what you want to be doing.

Life's too short not to waste it on fun stuff.

18-04-19, 17:09
Very true. Time, years, months and all that really are just man made. Again, its the main reason why I would love the opportunity to spend more time in nature, where you can relax in peace and quiet. :D