View Full Version : Noticable dent in my thumbnail...

16-04-19, 18:13
So, I realize I am going down another rabbit hole, and I am hoping someone can bring some sanity.

While talking with coworkers , I managed to notice something unusual with my left thumbnail... it has a big dent (for lack of better words). I don't feel it on my other nails, but things like beau's lines or spooning is now racing into mind, and I am thinking the worst - my heart has gotten worse, or something else serious has happened. I don't remember any trauma to it, but I guess I can't be sure. I do have hypothyroidism, but it is being treated, so I don't see how that could be it

I attached a few pictures (yeah, I need to trim my nails), just in case it helps. The top view is of the dented thumb , with a side view of each for comparison....

If it's not one thing it's another, and right before a major test. I did not need this panic right now...

16-04-19, 18:48
I mean, when you say “big dent” I was expecting a crater. What I can see is a barely there curve.

16-04-19, 19:01
Yeah, but any dent is a bad sign, right? I mean, its not supposed to be there...

16-04-19, 19:03
Agreed with Scass. Looks like nothing.

16-04-19, 19:23
i admit - i searched around here and found a few other people mention that trauma can do it, including picking at the cuticle...


i am pretty darned guilty of picking at the skin on the thumbs. It just so happens that in the last few days, i DID pick a big piece of skin off, on that thumb, on the side that the dent is leaning towards. Maybe it is that easy? Part of my HA makes it really really hard to hope an accept non catastropic possibilities.

16-04-19, 19:30
Absolutely some minor trauma can make MINOR dents in the nail! I once gave myself a pretty robust manicure and pressed far too hard in the cuticle area, for months every nail, in the same place, had a dent. The most delicate part of the nail is up under the cuticle. It is more than likely that you are pressing hard on that area whilst fiddling about with your finger/thumb.

16-04-19, 19:31
Absolutely some minor trauma can make MINOR dents in the nail! I once gave myself a pretty robust manicure and pressed far too hard in the cuticle area, for months every nail, in the same place, had a dent. The most delicate part of the nail is up under the cuticle.

Does that apply to the skin on the side of the nail? because that is where i took the chunk of skin from (around 1cm - and it bleed and is still red).

16-04-19, 19:32
Incidentally, on the theme of 'noticeable dents' that is practically nothing, that really is so so nothing.

16-04-19, 19:35
Does that apply to the skin on the side of the nail? because that is where i took the chunk of skin from (around 1cm - and it bleed and is still red).

A dent in a nail, by the time it reaches the middle of the nail where yours appear to be, probably had some trauma a couple of months ago. I have just checked my thumb nails and looking side on, can see one on my right thumb, which was probably from something I did many many weeks ago. Even, apparently. pressing down really hard on your thumb onto a surface (like pushing down really tough thumbtacks) can make it happen/. I'm not even convinced you have an injury looking at your nail, it could literally be a normal nail shape for you!

16-04-19, 19:37
To be fair, i have a LOOOOOONG history of picking my nails.. to the point they bleed. My ex told me i had to stop, at least for our wedding.. i managed that, but wound up doing it again shortly after. So yeah, the skin all around my nails (side and back) are constantly picked at.

It just SEEMS like such a bit dent since its there.. hard to not notice now...

16-04-19, 19:47
I pick my nails, and my thumbnails have dents, have done for as long as I can remember.

16-04-19, 20:00
No idea how I deleted my reply, but...

Thanks for the sanity check. This is the kind of stuff that needs to show up on a search. When I hear trauma can do if, I don't think nail picking...

16-04-19, 20:31
I don't think nail picking...

or manicures..... LOL

16-04-19, 21:06
Ok.. the mobile edit page is messed up.. I go to add something and it just marks the post as deleted..

So yeah.. lol.. no manicure here. I think I would make one scream with how I treat my nails (skin especially).

Still.. trying to get my head back down to earth here. It's so hard to not see it as worse than it is. I try to rationalize that a more serious problem would show on all my nails, but even then.