View Full Version : Advice please

10-09-07, 09:30

Had a really rotten night last night, my ear was really painful, woke up this morning to discover another throat infection had started, with pus on the left side where my ear was also sore.
Phoned docs but its a public holiday in Scotland so it'll be at least Wednesday before i can see anyone.
This is my 4th one in about 3 months.............:sad: i had read that recurring sore throats can be something more serious, plus my glands on my neck left side are really sore as well, ive also had pleghm ( do you think that could be coming from my throat?) I've had the same anti b twice should I ask for a different one??
My head is racing on thinking if its a tumour that's causing the sore throats or some kind of cancer, cant say this to my hubby as he would freak at me. My stomachs doing somersaults and im really stressing not good at all any advice or reassurance would be great.

10-09-07, 09:38
Hey kittykat,
I'm sorry youre feeling this way. Try to calm down and think logically, the chances are that this is an infection. Remember you've had it before and it was checked out and wasn't anything serious, so it will be the same again this time.
I know how easy it is to convince yourself it is something worse, but the only way to calm down from this is to think as logically as possible.
Hope youre feeling better soon xxx

10-09-07, 10:02
recurrent tonsillitis is very very common. ur gp may want to do a throat swab to check that the antibiotics are right for the job. You can also get a viral infection which does not need antibiotics which is the common cold virus.

I think these days you need to have about 6-8 infections before the hospital will consider removing ur tonsills. I am sure you have nothing to worry about but coming from a number one worry person like me i understand. Throat tumours are rare. If you are young another possibility could be glandular fever again another very common virus that needs no treatment or sometimes antibiotics.

take care and let me know how you get on.
