View Full Version : Twitching and falling sensations

17-04-19, 20:46
im new here , although I have been reading this forum on and off over the last few years for reassurance.
its so nice to know that so many other people are here to support each other , and no one is suffering alone.

Couple weeks ago I experienced a falling sensation , which I can only describe as the feeling you get when you fall asleep. I know the nighttime ones are anxiety related, as annoying and unpleasant as they are , I have my head around the fact it’s only anxiety. But this happened when I was wide awake so alarmed me, it’s happened occasionally , and then 2 days in a row. Since then I’ve had leg muscle twitches, toes twitching, muscles jerking, tingling, itchy skin. This has been 5 days now, so getting into a bit of a state and the added anxiety is making everything worse.
I can feel my foot is about to jerk, then if I tense up it stops.
Has anyone else had anything similar? And is it all anxiety related, or should I be concerned?

18-04-19, 19:03
Anyone ?

18-04-19, 19:12
Totally normal for odd sensations to occur when falling asleep or awake. Sometimes this is due to twitches and spasms of muscles and other times adrenaline rushes. Anxiety can cause muscle tension due to an over-active nervous system.

There is really nothing to worry about. Much more important to deal with anxiety and control stress levels.

18-04-19, 20:48
Thank you so much for your reply. I’ve just got to deal with it until it passes and control it

18-04-19, 23:08
People are going to think I'm lying because this has happened a few times

But OMG. The forums have done it again - I've had a symptom, come on here and found someone reporting the same thing within a recent time period.

The falling sensation happened to me tonight. Was sat on my laptop browsing Facebook, suddenly I got exactly what you described. A mixture of that and a brain zap.

So, yeah. Freaked for a second but probably just a glitch in the matrix

19-04-19, 07:23
Lol. Yeah I’ve done it few times and after I’ve read someone else with the same, I think “phew.”
It is scary isn’t it 😞