View Full Version : MS fears

18-04-19, 19:30
Hi all

I’m wondering if anyone can help me.

I initially had a muscular type shooting pain down my back in November 2018, and having read about MS and a Lhermitte sign, started to google. For the next two days I googled and kept bending my neck down to see if it had gone away. Well two days later I felt a tingle. Again I kept bending my neck, now terrified. This has now turned into tingling in various spots down my left side for the last 5 months.

Went to my GP who said anxiety, and to ignore it.

I was referred for nerve conduction tests, but a consultant physician didn’t do these. He did a neurological exam, which was normal, and said anxiety again.

I am now bending my neck so much, terrified the tingling won’t go away (which it doesn’t!). I think I have not had the reassurance, which is why I can’t let it go!

Sorry for the long post! Any advice much appreciated!


18-04-19, 19:32
You really need to trust the professionals on this one - they know much better than you, me and Dr google what it is and if they say it isn't MS then it isn't.

My advice is stop bending your neck as well and self-diagnosing.

18-04-19, 19:35
Thanks Nicola :)

19-04-19, 00:02
Hi SarahshM,

I am currently going through the same thing right now with persistent tingling in my foot! I am also scared.