View Full Version : Mole on scalp?

18-04-19, 20:12
Should I be concerned? I noticed a red/brown mole looking thing up behind my ear on my scalp. Never noticed it before... but I pulled my hair back last night and saw it there.

18-04-19, 20:19
I would say keep an eye on it for a few days for any changes. If it bothers you or is really large or irregular, or you are positive it wasn't there before, then it wouldn't hurt to go to a derm and just have it removed. I have a lot of moles (and have had a couple come back not so great), so a lot of times I take notice of one and question if it's there and use old pictures to see if it was there before. That's helped me calm down with a lot of them.

18-04-19, 20:32
I would say keep an eye on it for a few days for any changes. If it bothers you or is really large or irregular, or you are positive it wasn't there before, then it wouldn't hurt to go to a derm and just have it removed. I have a lot of moles (and have had a couple come back not so great), so a lot of times I take notice of one and question if it's there and use old pictures to see if it was there before. That's helped me calm down with a lot of them.

Thank you. I made my coworker take a picture so I could track it. I just had a mole check done about six months ago but I can’t remember if she checked my scalp or not. I probably overlooked it as I have dark hair and the mole is a brownish reddish color.

18-04-19, 20:38
goldie84, can you post a picture of this mole??

18-04-19, 20:41

18-04-19, 20:43
It’s upside down. Hopefully you can see it despite the bad quality on here.

18-04-19, 20:49
I'm not medically qualified but as the founding member of the "Told Ya So Gang", I'm on standby if you pursue this ;)

Positive thoughts

18-04-19, 21:04
That looks like a Seborrheic keratosis (not scary like it sounds and completely benign)
Keep an eye and report any significant changes to your GP or derma :)

18-04-19, 21:10
(Should add I'm not a dermatologist or doctor)

18-04-19, 21:16
Thanks guys. So I guess my plans of running to the next available derm are on hold lol.

18-04-19, 21:19
Also AVOID any apps that you can download.
Any dermatologist is going to be anxious about saying 'yeah that looks fine!' over the app

Believe me - it happened to me. My mole wasn't even mildly dysplastic on histology, but a particular app had me convinced it was a melanoma.

So yes avoid avoid avoid.

18-04-19, 21:33
Doesn't even look like an "angry" mole to me!

18-04-19, 22:01
Also AVOID any apps that you can download.
Any dermatologist is going to be anxious about saying 'yeah that looks fine!' over the app

Believe me - it happened to me. My mole wasn't even mildly dysplastic on histology, but a particular app had me convinced it was a melanoma.

So yes avoid avoid avoid.

Oh I meant go to the next available dermatology appointment not app haha. I’ve done the app thing before and it’s useless and makes me worry more. I just wanted to know if other people bought it warranted a trip to the doctor which it sounds like it probably doesn’t.

22-04-19, 19:22
Those apps are awful! They just increase our HA and there are so many variables, lighting, angle, etc. Not worth it at all!

23-04-19, 16:50
Those apps are awful! They just increase our HA and there are so many variables, lighting, angle, etc. Not worth it at all!

Being a hobbist photographer, i know lighting, angle and lens can make a difference; but i was blown away at just how much the effect is seen on something like a smart phone. I can make the same spot look COMPLETELY different, just by trying a different angle and distance; add in the effects of the built-in flash or external light, and forget about it. Heck, i can make a drastic difference to my own eyes (no camera) just using different lighting sources and moving the skin the right way.

There is a reason derms use a purpose built instrument, one that has a fixed lens and lighting.. that is why.

26-04-19, 19:06
Just posting here as I need to not google. I started to and I think I just need to get out how anxious I am on here as opposed to looking up scary things online. I’ve been checking the mole multiple times daily. Sometimes I’m okay with what I see and reassure myself and sometimes I’m ready to make a derm appt. I keep trying to think what would a normal person do?