View Full Version : A question for mole worriers and skin cancer worriers

18-04-19, 23:19
So, not worried beyond reason, but a bit concerned would be a better description.
My wife has a mole that was a bit tender, so she had me look at it as she cannot see it. I think it has just had some minor changes. Nothing drastic, but she just noticed it because it was tender. She is not an HA sufferer, so experiences no worry about it at all.

Here is where my token worry comes in. She was going to have that mole removed on May 15 along with two others because it is on her back and she is always catching it on her bra etc. Which might be why it has changed now that I think of it. She cannot really go in sooner than that as we are out of state until May 6, almost 2000 miles away from her dermatologist. Her thought is "well, it was coming off anyway, will just wait and deal with it then."
My question is, is it okay to wait almost a month to deal with it? I know as a guy with HA, while mostly controlled, it flares up now and then, I would probably lose my mind waiting. Is it vital she sees someone immediately? I can push for seeing someone where we are now. Or would you just keep an eye on it and wait until May 15, which being just shy of a month seems like forever.

The changes are it is sore to the touch, and looks inflamed a little, and to my eye, is slightly larger, but she has never seen it as it is on the middle of her back, so she is relying on the guy with HA to accurately assess change, the poor dear. 😉https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==

18-04-19, 23:23
wait until the 15th

19-04-19, 03:02
If she’s catching it on her bra to the point she wants it removed, It seems reasonable to assume that THAT is why it looks red, etc.

There’s no need to get a rush appt.

19-04-19, 07:12
Thanks guys. I have pushed the anxiety aside, and accepted that she already has an appointment to deal with it and even if it were something serious, a month isn't that long. Step at a time and a day at a time.

19-04-19, 22:38
I had this exact situation. I noticed a mole on my bad when it becomes inflamed. At first I freaked out about it and then realized it was because I'd recently gotten new bras and they were hitting it in a different spot and irritating it. She'll be fine waiting until the 15th.