View Full Version : On holiday and have bad anxiety.

19-04-19, 21:56
Hi, I'm away on holiday in a beautiful place on west coast Scotland, a get away holiday as my husband had to leave his job through stress. I have a virus on my chest and been really poorly, last night I also got a bad tummy (I have IBS) and was up all night being sick etc. My anxiety hit me like a brick and I was in full panic, I hardly slept. It also happened tonight and I have been in tears with worry and panic has set in as I'm terrified I won't sleep tonight again. Could this be anything to do with my virus, I've been so good for a long while? This is horrible!

20-04-19, 14:35
Hi, I'm away on holiday in a beautiful place on west coast Scotland, a get away holiday as my husband had to leave his job through stress. I have a virus on my chest and been really poorly, last night I also got a bad tummy (I have IBS) and was up all night being sick etc. My anxiety hit me like a brick and I was in full panic, I hardly slept. It also happened tonight and I have been in tears with worry and panic has set in as I'm terrified I won't sleep tonight again. Could this be anything to do with my virus, I've been so good for a long while? This is horrible!

That sucks CeeCeeCee. I had this happen to me once when I was in Devon. I cut the holiday short because I was full of panic constantly.

I don't recommend you cut the holiday short. I think your chest virus, and your IBS, are causing you to worry. It can be quite nerving being in a new location that you don't know especially when feeling ill. I'm like that too. But, once I get stuck into something I can usually forget about the anxiety enough to enjoy myself. Scotland is beautiful, my brother has just moved from the highlands. He too suffered anxiety because of the remoteness of where he lived.

Relax. Take some deep breaths. Remember that you've been in this situation before and it will pass.

Enjoy nature :) Hope you feel better soon.

20-04-19, 15:42
I agree. Don't rush home however much you want to at the moment. I don't think these are virus symptoms, it's straightforward panic. Something's triggered you, being ill, being away from home, I don't know but ride it out and stay put if you can. If you leave, you've let it win and then you'll add regret to you feelings.

Youve been better before and you will again. Something's poked your dragon, try not to feed it and it will go back to sleep again.

20-04-19, 16:07
I genuinely can't remember a time in the past twenty years when I've spent the first night of a holiday or a short break without having a panic attack, lying awake at night and counting the hours until I could plausibly leave.

I've always stuck it out, though, and I've never regretted it. Part of dealing with the anxiety is learning to carry your safe space with you.

Stay brave, take deep breaths and you'll feel better again soon.

20-04-19, 16:38
I think we were all snails in a past life. Carrying our homes with us wherever we went.
We have to become our own safe place.

20-04-19, 16:39
Thank you all so much, you’ve all literally described how I’m feeling. Wired, I have thought of going home a lot but it isn’t fair on my husband. My tummy today been bad and still coughing and spluttering �� Then panicked in a cafe and got upset. Ridiculous!
This is such a beautiful place and I feel guilty feeling like this in these surroundings.
If i just felt better virus wise I think my anxiety would lessen ��

20-04-19, 18:18
It’s funny you should say that at Darksky, we literally have our home on our back, we’re in our motor home. Which i usually love, and it’s good in some ways, as it’s familiar, but at night I fret and get scared in case I panic with no where to go. I don’t even know what I’m scared of, apart from being ill/dying. I’m afraid off being scared I suppose ����*♀️ Think this virus has riddled my whole body ��

20-04-19, 20:08
I genuinely can't remember a time in the past twenty years when I've spent the first night of a holiday or a short break without having a panic attack, lying awake at night and counting the hours until I could plausibly leave.

I've always stuck it out, though, and I've never regretted it. Part of dealing with the anxiety is learning to carry your safe space with you.

Stay brave, take deep breaths and you'll feel better again soon.

"Anxiety is learning to carry your safe space with you"....That's a wonderful concept, BlueIris.

I do hope you feel better soon and can actually start to enjoy and appreciate your holiday, CeeCeeCee. It's all about feeling safe and when you can't it just opens the door to panic and fears.Hang on in there, accept your symptoms are just a lingering virus and nothing more.

20-04-19, 21:47
Thank you, thats what i’m trying to do, just dfterl so poorly with this chest thing, it gets me down ��

21-04-19, 14:42
Holidays are amongst the hardest things with anxiety. I love holidays but i struggle at the beginning and count down the days until i can leave.
Which if you think about it is crazy as holidays are for relaxing and escaping.
Try and think about it as escaping from your anxiety, leave your anxiety at home.
I find the best thing is distraction. Dont focus on the anxiety, just tell yourself 'its just the anxiety ', plan your day, get out abd explore, find some shops, and relax!!!! Relax!!! Getting worked upmakes it ten times worse!!
Try and enjoy holiday.

22-04-19, 20:02
I think your virus might have something to do with the anxiety, but it's certainly not the only cause. I have found over the years that I seem to get unexplained / unexpected bouts of anxiety a day or so before I come down with some physical illness. Not sure if there is a scientific reason for it, but it happens to me often.