View Full Version : Terrified of MS Symptoms - Just Health Anxiety?

19-04-19, 22:41
Hi everyone,

Over the past two weeks I have been terrified that I have MS. Randomly last Monday I started having this sensation around my body like water was dripping on me or like pin pricks. Then later in the week that subsided and I felt tingling in my foot. Then both sensations have come and gone and now I have slight tingling in my left calf (same side as foot).

I have seen my Dr. twice and she is convinced it is my anxiety. Has prescribed me Lexapro as I have not taken an anti-anxiety or depression med before and I have had over 6 panic attacks from freaking out about this potential MS. She doesn't believe the symptoms of it are MS. Although, the MS symptoms I have googled are vague and broad and women are more prone to getting it.

I just can't seem to shake it although these symptoms can be so emblematic of other things (including anxiety). I know that I haven't completely abandoned the though, despite getting better through the past week. I just keep freaking out that I have this and can't get over it.

Anyone else experience these symptoms? How do you get over it and reconcile it with it actually being anxiety? How concerned should I be? Thank you.

19-04-19, 22:44
We literally have hundreds of posts worrying about MS and not one has come true.

My advice is treat the anxiety and it will probably all settle.

19-04-19, 23:04
Thank you Nicola, I really appreciate it. You are right and I have read many of them and I am thinking I just need to believe it. It's so hard to see it and still believe I am the outlier. Thinking of taking medication to help this.

Thank you.

27-04-19, 02:17
MS symptoms are caused by demyelination of nerves, which is also the result of many other, treatable, conditions. It could also be anything else (not demyelination) like an irritated nerve or a stress response. I think if you've seen a Dr twice and they're confident it's anxiety, then that's good reassurance, you're probably safe to put it to the back of your mind for now, and if you notice worsening symptoms keep a log, you can always go back to your GP in the future if it progresses.