View Full Version : Bitter taste on half of tongue, triggered by sugar/sweet flavors

20-04-19, 01:41
A few days ago, I've noticed that when I eat a sweet food, I get this sort of bitter aftertaste on the back right quarter of my tongue. I can still taste sweet, but I get that sort of bitter aftertaste on that one portion of my tongue.

I initially thought it was nothing serious....

Then of course, I found out that taste issues can be a sign of brain cancer.

20-04-19, 05:30
Please help me

20-04-19, 07:02
This is a UK-based forum, and it's only just 7am over here, so it may be a while before you get a more conclusive answer.

Not quite sure what to tell you other than that brain tumours are relatively rare, and bodies doing weird stuff really isn't. I've had these worries myself before (albeit over different symptoms) and it's never once come to anything. Maybe try to distract yourself? There's a good chance that you're just being hypervigilant.

20-04-19, 14:23
The sheer hyper-focusing aspect of this is beyond extreme. I don't believe this is an issue in the least :shrug:

Positive thoughts

20-04-19, 14:33
This really is HA grasping at straws (or any other scrap it can find) :lac:

Normal sensations are being twisted and distorted into "symptoms". Be aware of the pattern because recognising it is the first step needed to getting help/treatment.