View Full Version : Eating fear

20-04-19, 20:29
I generally eat ok, not enough but the food i eat is generally healthy as I'm trying to lose weight. But K do have a blow out every now and again. When I do eat unhealthy all i can think about is the food causing a heart attack. I know this is bloody ridiculous but I was wondering if anyone has dealt with something similar and if you have any tips to help??

20-04-19, 20:35
I want to be able to est unhealthy foods every now and again and not have this stupid fear

20-04-19, 23:50
I want to be able to est unhealthy foods every now and again and not have this stupid fear

Its just a case of reminding yourself that everything in moderation, it’s excessive consumption that causes issues.

Positive vibes,


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21-04-19, 19:32
Haha I can definitely shed some light on this LOL I've been steadily and I hope at least semi-healthily losing weight for a few months now and I had a massive chocolate blow out today (both as a holiday cheat day and because I've stalled for the last couple of weeks), and tell you what gluttony hurts lol When you make healthier changes in your diet it can hit you some tough blows if you steer to the side slightly - not necessarily scale number wise either! My stomach has definitely gotten at least slightly smaller, so today I'm definitely getting stomach stretch pains for obvious reasons, to the extent I started thinking hmm can a stomach physically burst, and no that wasn't even HA fuelled haha :D I understand when you say it feels like a heart attack coming along. Honestly worst comes to worst you'll vomit and that's it. Have you watched any of those 600lb life shows? I watch them to keep on track lol, but it just shows what a pummeling the body can take. Basically - DON'T WORRY, as long in the big picture i.e. most days you keep on the healthy track, the few instances where you have a naughty bit of 'bad' food won't hurt you. If anything it can help you keep on track I think?