View Full Version : Same headache for almost a year

22-04-19, 07:01
I would like to know if anyone can relate to the type of headache I have. I have had this headache on and off since last summer. It is there most days but not all day, it comes and goes and some days I don't have it. It is mild but it is like a tender spot on my forehead. It is tender to the touch but also hurts when I'm not touching it. It's high up, near my hairline on one side. I also feel it beind my eye and sometimes it moves to the side of my head. I have been to the Dr probably three times over the past year and got nowhere. One Dr prescribed me steroid spray as I also get a one sided runny nose on that side but because of the way it moves up and around my head he thought it was probably not sinus related and the spray didn't make any difference. I'm wondering if it can be a nerve thing? I am not sure what to do as painkillers don't make much difference plus I can't take them every day. I would love to know what is causing this. All the Dr did was say it probably isn't serious but it's starting to look like something that is never going to go away and I want to figure out what I can do about it or who can help. If you have had anything like this please share what it was and how you treated it. Thank you.

22-04-19, 07:25
Sounds like a tension headache to me - I've gone through phases where I had this daily for months. I'd suggest that you might want to try and work on your stress levels (difficult, I know) and maybe look at your posture.

I'm not much of a believer in alternative medicine, but I do find lavender oil rubbed into my temples sometimes helps - I don't think it has magical powers but I do believe the lovely smell helps me relax!

22-04-19, 07:35
Hi Cattia
poor you.... any kind of chronic pain sucks. I do think you should feel reassured that it is not serious, due to the duration and lack of progression. I have had chronic headaches (especially when worrying about brain tumours- focus on any area seems to produce symptoms in that area). Do over the counter pain killers work?

22-04-19, 12:22
Do you have any other symptoms?

22-04-19, 12:48
Do you think this could be a symptom of a tumor? I'm scared to even think about it. I can not now decide what would be better - do not know anything or know and start to fight ...
P.S. Sorry, it seems I scared myself now ..

NO!!!!! I just meant from a comfort point of view. Of course it’s not a brain tumour!

22-04-19, 13:58
The danger of the HA board and discussing symptoms....

23-04-19, 02:31
No, I came straight out and asked my Dr that and he said no, not without other symptoms, he told me what those would be but I'm not going to write them here! I think it's most likely some sort of tension headache or maybe trapped nerve but I don't know what to do about it. Nothing seems to help. It's not there all the time nor is it super painful but it's enough to get me down as it's been so long with no improvement. Having said that it hasn't got worse in that time either. It's just weird that it's focused on one particular spot that actually hurts to touch.

23-04-19, 08:10
I get exactly the same thing. I mostly get it on my left side but also sometimes on my right. Have had it particularly for the last 4 months (coinciding with an escalation of my HA). I’ve traced it back to my upper back and neck tension. The pain is often felt behind my left eye, sometimes moves around to my cheekbone, eyebrow and temples. It’s all muscle tension caused by stress, poor posture, office working, driving, you name it.

Self massage particularly of a lump of muscle on my upper neck helps

Good luck, it’s awful when it’s bad

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