View Full Version : Pepe

10-09-07, 20:51
I have read the articles on this site for some time and foubnd them really comforting to know that there are so many others who have all these 'weird' feelings. I am quite pleased with myself because i have actually registered.
I wonder if anyone else has the same thing as me. I am suffering from most of the physical symptoms you all talk about (dizziness, palpitations, fuzzy head etc) but i also have an irrational fear of taking medication including things like paracetmaol. I have convicnced myself that the side effects are going to be life threatening. I am scared of flying but the thought of taking travelling tablets for the flight overules the thought of the flight itself!! How daft is that?
Can anyone associate themselves with this too?
Pepe x

10-09-07, 21:26
Hi Pepe and :welcome:

Don't worry you are not alone and you are certainly not daft. I also have developed abit of a fear with medication. I worry about side effects too. I do take paracetamol without worry but anything else I find myself being overly cautious and feel my anxiety building up.


10-09-07, 22:08
Hi Pepe and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Although I don't personally get anxious when taking medication I know people who are and, more importantly, have got better.

Take care,

Mike :)

11-09-07, 00:36
Hi Pepe,

Welcome to NMP. Many fear taking meds so you are not alone. You will find a lot of support here.



11-09-07, 00:50
Hi Pepe,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

12-09-07, 22:08
Hello Pepe:welcome:to you!

You're certainly not alone - it took me 6 mnths to register lol!

I hate taking tablets - but perservered with Citalopram and it was the best thing I could have done!

I hate flying (but I can look out the window once I'm up there, how weird is that?) but this site and the people on it have helped me cope with that.... and more too!

You'll get plenty of help and support here!

Pleased to meet you!


16-09-07, 17:20
Thanks for all your welcomes and i'm glad its not only me with the tablet thing. I assume mine started because i had a weird reaction to some anti depressants i took a few years ago. One lot made my blood pressure drop almost fainting (Trazadone i think) and the next lot (Seroxat) gave me my first panic attack at midnight one night. I had never had one before and it was just awful and so scary, plus I got all the strange anxiety feelings I still get now. However, I did persevere and i did get over the panic attacks and my anxiety/depression lifted after about two months, but it has left me with panic feelings and weird 'head' feelings ever since.
I have accepted that i'll probably have to live with the 'weird' feelings to varying degrees, but any advice on how to get over the tablet thing? I hardly even get the tablet in my mouth without feeling really really strange. It's so horrible, that i don't want to try it again.

Pepe x :shrug:

16-09-07, 17:55
Hi Pepe

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

16-09-07, 18:22
Hello Pepe And Welcome I Think Alot Of Us Are Afraid Of The Side Effect Of Meds For Myself I Dont Like Taking Any Cold Medicines.......wish Ya The Best........linda

18-09-07, 16:30

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx