View Full Version : Sleep paralysis or a dream?

22-04-19, 14:41
Hey guys long time no see,

I've had a bit of a crazy 6 months starting with a break down end of last summer anyway we are riding the wave and although I deal with pretty horrific pure-ocd I am slowly coming off my meds. I have an incredible support system and although sometimes I feel like I've lost my shit I'm doing alright. Haha.

Anyway, I just had a nap it's warm outside and I'm really not into hot weather I was watching a film and I fell 'asleep' right at the start. I remember hearing my mum come in to close the door and then full on sleep paralysis.

I can remember it was almost like I knew what was happening I kept trying to move or call for help or reach for my phone but I'd quit and think 'go back to sleep' when I did finally wake up I was a bit shocked I was actually awake 😂, I didn't feel threatened like I've read about and I didn't hallucinate so I'm wondering did I dream it? I had been obsessing over a conversation I had with two friends a lot recently about this kind of thing Orr was it sleep paralysis?

Anyway I seem to be dealing with it very well. I thought I'd come here and ask.

24-04-19, 22:30
Its kinda hard to know which, could be either, but neither are concerning and of no threat to you.....so just put it down to 'one of those things' and move on. :winks:

26-04-19, 10:45
I went through a phase of getting bad sleep paralysis when I first started Duloxetine. It was pretty scary, but once you're conscious enough its easy to snap out of, once you know what it is.