View Full Version : Back of neck pain scare

22-04-19, 17:15
Since Thursday (4 days ago) I have had a mild but lingering dull neckache. Its sort of on the veerrry top of my back and is scaring me as someone mentioned how meningitis featured a similar pain. I havent had a fever but did feel quite unwell that day and went to bed with my heart beating as if I was getting a virus. Woke the next day and felt incredible. Both saturday and sunday were good days but today its returned. Its not to the point where it kills but Im still scared. No headache..just this dull ache.
Have been spending time sitting in a few new positions as Ive been sunbathing since Thurs/fri so wondering if its that .... nothing extreme just crossing my legs and my shoulders hunched. Feels like I need a massage..... anyone else? before I freak?

22-04-19, 17:24
I get neck pain all the time from bad posture but have never worried it was anything serious.

I think this is what you say it is - neck pain - and nothing more.

22-04-19, 18:06
Bad posture, no need to worry.