View Full Version : Anxiety Driving me Crazy

22-04-19, 20:19
Hi Community,

I have made a couple of posts but looking for general help with my severe anxiety here. Over the past few weeks I have been in a deep anxiety attack, depressive episode and have had several panic attacks. I started getting physical symptoms that I then googled and self-diagnosed myself with MS which spurred the brunt of the panic attacks (I also have HA).

Over the past week, I have gotten considerably better with the physical symptoms decreasing and with help from my family and friends, I have decreased my stress and anxiety. However, I still wake up sad and anxious and go to bed sad and anxious. I still feel close to the edge on freaking out that I have a serious illness and I know that there is just as much evidence to back up these symptoms of anxiety but I can't break this cycle of thinking.

I just wanted to seek some support from you all as I haven't had a severe anxiety and depressive episode last this long. looking for any and all help and I greatly appreciate it.

28-04-19, 18:15
Deep down you know it's anxiety. Dr.Google has diagnosed you with MS but has a real life doctor?
if you are struggling with HA at the moment, there are stickys on the HA board that will give you plenty of reasons why you don't have MS. If that's not enough, maybe go and talk it over with your Dr. But stop googling, it doesn't do anybody any good at all. If we had all the illnesses Dr. google reckons we have, the human race would have died out years ago.