View Full Version : low signal on phone causes cancer?

22-04-19, 21:19
Thank you to whoever reads.
im soo scared now as my phone battery drains extremely quickly, I therefore went online and because my phone signal is very low (1 bar mostly) that is why it drains the battery quicker. the article says that microwave radiation exposure is increased by about 10000 times normal when this happens and im on my phone for hours a day. im terrified ive exposed myself to this radiation and will get cancer. Im soo tired of putting myself through this im always worrying about something and don't know how much longer I can go on.

22-04-19, 21:24
Are you getting any help with your anxiety right now?

22-04-19, 21:35
not atm mate. its hard when websites and studies say things,

22-04-19, 21:36
Do you often worry about things like this?

22-04-19, 21:42
Haven't seen this one in a while :whistles:

Positive thoughts

22-04-19, 21:51
ive been dealing with it for 7 years now and im 19. had counselling and cbt. I seem to scan for worries, I just wanted to know why my phone battery was going flat quickly and ended coming across this article.

22-04-19, 21:55
Might be worth having a chat with your GP if these sorts of scare stories are making it hard for you to function. A lot of us have been there.

22-04-19, 22:02
Maybe worth working out what is running on your phone to drain it so quickly but mine does the same - doesn't mean I am going to get cancer though

23-04-19, 01:06
not atm mate. its hard when websites and studies say things,

It’s hard when you don’t have facts: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cell-phone-cause-brain-damage/

23-04-19, 01:54
im 19. had counselling and cbt.

Ahhhhh... Generation Z. I'm 60. I didn't grow up with the internet and smart phones.

I saw a news presentation about Generation Z, smart phones and social media. On average, someone like yourself spends 20+ hours, head bent down (which is another story all together - Text Neck) scanning the internet and social media sites. That's practically 3 hours a day! The psychological issues due to this are staggering. The fact that you're THAT concerned about your cell phone battery speaks volumes and affirms the statistic.

We've become a society that observes as opposed to experiencing things. Watch this video of Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evN6DIGPIJM) from 1994. What do you notice? We had cell phones then but nothing like we have today. Notice what the crowd used to express appreciation. Now, people pay big bucks to see a show and watch it through a 4" screen when the artist is standing right in front of them!

If in fact cell phones caused cancer, most of Generation Z would have cancer. Do they? :whistles:

Put the phone down and experience life as opposed to observing it.

Positive thoughts

23-04-19, 02:34
I'm not totally convinced that smartphones and wifi are completely safe for humans yet (and not from an anxiety standpoint) as we have only observed this kind of heavy usage for a decade or so and therefore have not been afforded any long-term medical studies on the issue yet. Plus we know from history with cigarettes how hard the involved companies would go to shut down any threatening data. But so what if it does, then we're all screwed! lol. I'm still on my phone 3-4 hours a day. I'm am addict!

More likely is excessive phone use only causes the problems we know - posture, mental health, anti-social behavior, etc.

If it really worries you, put the phone down and enjoy the world around you. Doing so can only benefit you anyway. Imagine how far ahead of your friends you'd be if you were self-reliant without using a smartphone much?

As for your battery, how old is the phone? After a year, my batteries have always lost steam fast.

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