View Full Version : HA Advice Needed - how to enjoy something when HA is at its worst

22-04-19, 23:47
Hello everyone :emot-wave: I'm 22 years old and I've had health anxiety for about 6 years. It tends to be on and off depending on when I have a particular concern, but since the end of September, it's been constant because of stomach issues I have been having. I've been so so so convinced that I have colon c***** for these past few months- I've gone to four different doctors, had a flexible sigmoidoscopy, a stool test, and bloodwork done, and am still stuck in the middle of all of this. I was told after seeing a new gastroenterologist in February that I have chronic constipation, and I had bloodwork done last month which all came back normal. I went back today for a follow-up appointment since I have still been having the same symptoms that started back in the fall. She wants me to see a pelvic floor doctor (and in my mind, if I don't have something terribly wrong with me, pelvic floor dysfunction would make a lot of sense in my situation), and she also wants me to get a CT scan since she thinks it is a non-invasive way to check and to ensure that she's being thorough.

So this brings me to my main question with this thread. I'm going to Disney World on vacation next Friday. It's my favorite place in the world and I haven't been there in five years, so this trip is something I've been waiting for for a long time. I'm mostly likely not going to be able to go for the CT scan before I leave (which the doctor said was fine and that there was no rush, but of course with my anxiety going sooner would be better for me) but I plan on doing that and going to the pelvic floor doctor soon after I get home. I've been feeling so anxious about not being able to have a good time on vacation because of my anxiety over everything that's been going on.

I've truly been absolutely sure that I am dying every day for the past few months, and my anxiety over this (which I'm sure has made the physical issue itself worse) has taken so much from me. I've lost my ability to enjoy so many things that I used to, my ability to focus on my job, and have worried so much about losing relationships with my family and friends because of how bad everything has been. I know I should feel a little reassured that I'm taking steps towards addressing the constipation issue, but my anxiety makes it so so difficult for me to think that there could be a not terrible cause for everything that's been going on. So what I'm wondering is if anyone has any advice for how I might still be able to have a great time on vacation (while knowing that I'm going to take care of everything when I get home)? I don't want to ruin this trip for myself or my parents and brother. I've lived with this fear for so long that it feels so intimidating to put it aside for a week, so if anyone has any advice for me, I would really appreciate it so much <3

23-04-19, 01:11
Since you’re dying you should really let loose and enjoy your time at Disney. :winks:

You know you are not dying. You know you are fine. You know you have HA. Say hi to Mickey for me.