View Full Version : Toe nail fungus - anyone tried Lamisil?

23-04-19, 04:28
My doctor started me on Lamisil tablets about 2 weeks ago for toe nail fungus.
My HA is at an all time high at the moment and I'm just starting to wonder if it has anything to do the Lamisil.
I'm usually fairly sensitive to tablets anyway. I know they can have an effect on the liver, which is worrying me now, and I must go back to doctor for liver blood tests in about a month.
And I'm also feeling very scared all the time, thinking the absolute worst with everything. This is causing my HA to be extremely high but I have this type of thinking for non HA issues as well.
Does anyone know if there is any chance that it's the tablets having this effect on me?
I'm just so shocked that I'm after sinking so low over the past few weeks.

23-04-19, 17:23
Terbinafine (Lamisil) can rarely cause liver problems - it's actually so rare to the point my GP surgery does not offer a liver test whilst taking the drug. Other surgeries, like yours, err on the side of caution and perform them at the 6 week mark (I think).

You'll in all likelihood be fine :)

Good luyck

23-04-19, 21:51
Thank you for your reassurance. I do think I was over reacting on the liver issue and blaming the tablets for everything. Unfortunately I'm really worried about something else. My doctor referred me to the breast clinic today for a lump. She said it will be up to a month before I'm seen. I've continued this in my thread in the Female forum. If anyone has any advice for me I'd really appreciate it because I'm going out of my mind with worry at the moment - not able to cope with this.

23-04-19, 22:21
My wife uses the topical stuff and has for years when something pops up on her toes so....

As far as advice on the appointment? Frankly, it sounds like its a CYA/reassurance visit otherwise it would have been fast tracked and deep down you know that. The problem with HA is its a Catch 22. If you hadn't been referred, you would have been worrying she missed something. This scenario is played out here daily and the advice given on all those other threads is valid. Distraction techniques, no googling, download the free CBT worksheets (in my signature) etc. etc. etc. You've been here long enough to know the deal and its up to you to take real life action.

Positive thoughts