View Full Version : IBS. Stuck in vicious cycle

23-04-19, 16:41
A stomach bug started an ibs flare up three months ago. Everyone else recovered after a week. I'm still going three months later.
I've seen a doctor, then a homeopath. I have various medications and an elimination diet. But even if I just live on rice and water, the pain continues. It's random and can appear anywhere at any time. I'm too scared to eat and I'm losing alot of weight, which causes more anxiety!
The only medication I've found to help is Ativan (lorazepam:).
My problem is anxiety. I cant believe that it's just IBS (I have HA) and even if I do I still fear these symptoms and whether it'll ever go away.
I know I'm stuck in a loop, but I just cant work my eay out of it.
Please does anyone have any advice? I'm miserable living like this.
BTW I've had IBS on and off for 40 years.

23-04-19, 17:26
Sorry to hear about the bug :( . Perhaps thats why mine was so bad after christmas 2017 .. for 7 months after I was a MESS.

Better now though for the most part, all I know is stress really agitated it, and dont underestimate stress, this can be anything from someone winding you up to little money issues. The minute I took extra me time..baths, showers, early nights and oils, I slowly got better and better.

Do you get IBS d* or c*?

23-04-19, 18:23
Thank you so much for your reply. Every little bit of encouragement is a huge help.
I must try some relaxation methods too.
Im in a difficult place in my life, moving around often and with financial problems which doesnt help at all.
I don't have ibs c or d, just pain, bloating and trapped gas.
And this constant fear that may have something more serious or how I'll ever get out of this vicious cycle.

24-04-19, 14:41
I can attest to having the same problem. I've not been officially DX'ed with IBS but for years I've had problems with certain foods and all my life had discomfort down below relating to food.

But the panic disorder, and fear of vomiting, messed me up. I lost my appetite with similar issues to yourself and Jalapeno1234. I've just started on 50mg sertraline so I'm hoping they calm my panic disorder which in turn rids me of the anxiety.

Just like you it's mostly pain, bloating and trapped gas. All of which cause panic attacks. The anxiety convinces me it's nausea, or a tumor, or a cyst or w/e. And then once you get into that cycle, combined with a fear of vomiting you end up stuck. And then because you don't eat the anxiety is 10x worse so the cycle feeds itself.

I'm not completely out of the woods, but it's getting easier and once these meds kick in I should be golden.

24-04-19, 16:23
Thank you! What you've written exactly describes my problem!
Finding that taking Ativan seems to calm the symptoms has almost got me convinced that it's nothing more than anxiety. Almost...
Good to hear that someone else has similar issues, not that I wish this on anyone ever.
I've lost so much weight through loss of appetite due to anxiety and then through elimination diets. That don't work!
Good luck with your journey and I hope you recover quickly.