View Full Version : Brain tumor fear

24-04-19, 13:21
Hi folks
I was in the MS, ALS scare now in bring tumor loop. Basically started few months ago with pressure in face, arms felt tight, weird, recently I have felt off balanced throughout day, almost like Im on boat at times. Yesterday, I had a few moments of ringing in left ear which I have gotten in both ears at times throughout life...but now the ringing in left ear is persistent this morning. I am freaking out that I have brain tumor. This is scaring me. :(

24-04-19, 14:14
4 words... Real. Life. Professional. Help.

You following a very well known and often taken HA Highway. It really is as simple and obvious as that.

Positive thoughts

24-04-19, 18:08
4 words... Real. Life. Professional. Help.

You following a very well known and often taken HA Highway. It really is as simple and obvious as that.

Positive thoughts
Fishmanpa...I hear you, I actually started taking SSRI today. Starting therapy soon. I tell myself anxiety...but I get scared and think "NO way anxiety can cause all this", I guess I think..."well if I tell myself anxiety must be causing my off-balance/dizzy feeling then why does it not stop...thus it must be medical" :(
I'm guessing this is the HA highway

24-04-19, 18:25
Everything you describe can be put down to facial tension, tooth clenching and general anxiety, they are all listed symptoms...every ...single.....one. Really.

24-04-19, 20:26
Fishmanpa...I hear you, I actually started taking SSRI today. Starting therapy soon. I tell myself anxiety...but I get scared and think "NO way anxiety can cause all this", I guess I think..."well if I tell myself anxiety must be causing my off-balance/dizzy feeling then why does it not stop...thus it must be medical" :(
I'm guessing this is the HA highway

Let me tell you something. I'm not a sufferer. I have my worries just like anyone else but they don't consume me and I'm able to think logically. My wife was in the hospital for two months a couple of years ago with a very serious illness. I almost lost her. During that time I was under an extreme amount of stress. I'm going through a stressful time currently. I had/have have a lot of physical symptoms because of it. Frequent headaches, my back and chest hurt, my appetite sucks, I get lightheaded, my sleep sucks, bowel habits all over the place etc. They're all stress related symptoms and I know it for a fact. I know it's not some serious illness. Everyone, anxiety or not, has a physical reaction to stress. The difference is the mental reaction. That's what needs help. For me, once I knew my wife was going to be Ok, the physical symptoms waned. I expect the same to happen with my current situation.

Good on you for starting the meds. they'll help. You may get some start up reactions but they'll ease off and once your mind starts to chill, your body will follow suit. Therapy is really beneficial but you have to work on it!


Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Positive thoughts

25-04-19, 01:27
Let me tell you something. I'm not a sufferer. I have my worries just like anyone else but they don't consume me and I'm able to think logically. My wife was in the hospital for two months a couple of years ago with a very serious illness. I almost lost her. During that time I was under an extreme amount of stress. I'm going through a stressful time currently. I had/have have a lot of physical symptoms because of it. Frequent headaches, my back and chest hurt, my appetite sucks, I get lightheaded, my sleep sucks, bowel habits all over the place etc. They're all stress related symptoms and I know it for a fact. I know it's not some serious illness. Everyone, anxiety or not, has a physical reaction to stress. The difference is the mental reaction. That's what needs help. For me, once I knew my wife was going to be Ok, the physical symptoms waned. I expect the same to happen with my current situation.

Good on you for starting the meds. they'll help. You may get some start up reactions but they'll ease off and once your mind starts to chill, your body will follow suit. Therapy is really beneficial but you have to work on it!


Positive thoughts

Just wanted to say I hope you feel better soon.

26-04-19, 02:41
SQ here, I stumbled on to your concern about brain tumor concerns. My father was having serious headaches and at first the ER thought he had a stroke. But it turns out from MRI’s and cat scans it was a tumor. Not just any tumor after the biopsy it was confirmed he has “geoblasttomia” (I can’t spell it) brain cancer. Let me tell you from personal experience you really don’t need to worry about having that. When you can’t function that’s when it gets found. It’s a really really bad one. This is what has triggered my anxiety, then I went to hell from there! (I’m losing my best friend.)

But I have read and replied to your other thread, your anxiety is very much where I was. I have a lot of things going on in my life right now like Fishmanpa just describes to you.( I like reading his reason, it helps me think and talk myself through these things that I’m going through).

But hang in there, it’s a long journey. But like I said before in my case:I’m feeling symptoms of my anxiety, same as fishmanpa stated. But I’m realizing it and working through it. Hang in there my friend, help us out there if you/we embrace it!


29-04-19, 04:09
Thanks SQ. I'm trying, just struggling. I have pressure around nose, cheeks, temple that comes and goes and I get feelings of off-balance throughout the day, felt a little nauseous today... and on top of that I hurt my back a week and half ago and I still have superficial quad tingling/numbness and I'm nervous that is from "limb numbness" of brain tumor...I feel like Brian tumor is starting...I'm so frustrated with myself really down on myself. sorry guys