View Full Version : Worried about back and liver pain

11-09-07, 10:05
I was sent home from work this morning due to me having the following symtoms and i'm scared stiff.

For about 3 weeks i have had spine pain radiating round to the liver area and i feel sick,a dull achy sick feeling.With this pain there is a horrible fear sensation that wooshes from my back and abdomen right to my shoulders then head.I then want diarhea and feel sick.I feel weak and exhausted.
Is this panic ,is this panic.I do not believe that it is.I console myself with the fact that my wieght is staying the same.(16st , 6.0 tall).I have read and read the symptoms page and still can't believe this is panic or anxiety.I have had anxiety for well over 25 years but it never came to this,i always coped with just mild shakiness and a feeling of aprehension but no bodily symtoms like this.If this is panic /anxiety why am i not dealing with it the way i did previous to my first real bad panic attack 9 weeks ago? Help please plaese.

12-09-07, 17:53
It looks like i worried for nothing yet again.Since i wrote about these aches and pains i have had a few very good days and guesse what,the pains i mentioned have gone.I really must not think that there is anything wrong with me physically.Its seems that the way my body reacts is proportional to my levels of anxiety.If i have a good day emotionally then my body feels better and vice versa.I am working hard on my positive thinking and breathing.I got a book from the library "Feel the fear and do it anyway" and so much of it makes sense(i might be talking to myself here but i don't care cause i am getting better and stronger every day) . One very important thing for me is to keep busy,but not to the stage where i am drained.I move along at a slow steady pace.I am trying hard to change my negative attitude towards others.I find that if i can make just one person feel good even for a aminute then it makes me feel better. So sorry for ranting on its just that for now i feel so much better. I hope it keeps going like this.

A day at a time.

12-09-07, 18:16
Hi Tamo

Glad to hear that your aches and pains have now gone.

Anxiety is an awful thing....

Take care

19-05-09, 19:05
What does it feel like when you have liver pain?

19-05-09, 20:04
ive got an abnormal liver and i get no pain with it,glad its gone now tohugh and your feeling a bit better

24-08-11, 16:37
Hi All,
I believe liver pain (http://www.liverpainonline.com) is not so big problem as it feels first. You might need to change your lifestyle, but you can get rid of the pain pretty easy.