View Full Version : Comment if you have back pain

26-04-19, 14:00
Just a little survey which will help me understand how common back pain is amongst people, so if you suffer from a type of back pain please comment and say f stress and anxiety makes it worse

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26-04-19, 14:07
Yes, for a few years now. Tightness and impact into breathing. I also had sciatica early on during this period but that has since gone.

Muscular tension, sleep issues and meds I believe are my issues with it. Certainly increased anxiety means increased symptoms for me so it goes from minor aches to more prominent until the adrenalie/cortisol calms itself down.

But I also suspect I need to strength my back too as I'm approaching middle age and not performing a physical job and such things decline with age anyway.

26-04-19, 14:22
I have a bulging disc in the L4/L5 area and that causes pain as well as some sciatica. I also get upper back pain between the shoulder blades. Stress/tension affects my upper back. Both can be helped by regular exercise which I definitely need to do more of.

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bin tenn
26-04-19, 14:48
Don't know if stress/anxiety make mine worse, but yeah, I deal with back pain occasionally. I believe mine is due to poor sitting posture. I tend to slouch, for whatever reason. My doc asked once if I have scoliosis because of how I was sitting, but she felt of my spine and didn't suspect it. I do think I have sciatica though, doc tends to agree.

26-04-19, 15:03
I have occasional back pain due to injuring it twice. Once when trying to deadlift too much weight without warming up properly and the second time from a pretty bad car crash. I don't think anxiety affects it but high impact exercise can.

26-04-19, 15:05
Yeah, lower back pain, probably disc related and also now and then have sciatica. It doesn't affect my anxiety because it's nothing to do with it.

26-04-19, 15:06
I don’t know why I get so worried about my back pain, I mean I’ve had a MRI and nothing came up so they have put it down to posture and stress I am 6ft 3 so quite tall and I work in retail so on my feet all day so maybe that’s why I do need to strengthen my back up deffo

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26-04-19, 15:42
I don’t know why I get so worried about my back pain, I mean I’ve had a MRI and nothing came up so they have put it down to posture and stress I am 6ft 3 so quite tall and I work in retail so on my feet all day so maybe that’s why I do need to strengthen my back up deffo

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Its probably a muscle imbalance if you stand slouched quite a lot like most people do.

My friend is a similar height to you and used to get chest pains from standing quite a lot.

I would suggest doing some exercises like planks, crunches and hyper extensions. If you have access to a gym then add some deadlifts and rows to you're workout as well.

Make sure you do the exercises with proper form.

26-04-19, 15:42
Tons of back pain. Have bulging/herniated discs, disc degeneration, spinal stenosis and a lot of arthritis, and I'm only 42. Ugh.

26-04-19, 16:21
Frequently, yes, stress makes it worse, too.

26-04-19, 16:33
Also if you are young and dont have any actual injuries try stretching your hip flexors.

Sit down on the floor, the place the balls of your feet together and push your knees down, but not to the point it hurts, and hold it. You should feel the inside of your legs stretch. release it then you should be able to push your knees down slightly further. Do this for three sets as day.

Hope this helps.

26-04-19, 20:09
Thanks for all of your replies guys, so you all think I haven’t got anything to worry about if my MRI has come back fine and blood tests were all good? Just stress and posture

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26-04-19, 20:39
Thanks for all of your replies guys, so you all think I haven’t got anything to worry about if my MRI has come back fine and blood tests were all good? Just stress and posture

Absolutely... Back pain is the most common pain complaint there is. Take on board the advice, stretch, watch your posture, exercise etc. and use OTC pain relievers as needed.

positive thoughts

26-04-19, 20:41
Thank you!

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26-04-19, 20:52
You've said you're on your feet most of the day and generally have bad/poor posture. Even those without muscle tension from anxiety would likely get aches and pains.

Keep it real, Jonny :shades:

27-04-19, 06:02
Off and on in different parts of my back. I have an old injury in my lower back from the army days, now it goes out every once in a while and about cripples me.

27-04-19, 06:42
You've said you're on your feet most of the day and generally have bad/poor posture. Even those without muscle tension from anxiety would likely get aches and pains.

Keep it real, Jonny :shades:

Cheers man, so it is very possible to get muscle tension from anxiety and stress

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29-04-19, 06:46
Unfortunately Fishman I can totally relate.
Mine was caused by a motor cycle accident 22 yrs ago and has gotten progressively worse since.
Mine is L4 - 5 and S1.
The thoracic spine bit between the shoulder blades has only started recently and is really bad when deep breathing.
I've been on Targin for a few years now but it doesn't do much.
Stress doesn't seem to affect it.
If anyone out there has a cure that doesn't involve a spine transplant please let me know.

09-05-19, 13:34
Off and on in different parts of my back. .

This has been me for the last few weeks (at least this "attack"), with a long history of back problems. Right now, the pain has started on my lower back, but it loves moving up and down my whole spine, and to the sides of it at times.

My rational thoughts acknowledge that i have had back issues for most of (if not all of) my adult life, but the anxiety can creep in and worry that its a kidney infection (even though my urine came back clean and no culture grew) or something more serious. But after feeling this pain for weeks, with it varying, its easier to accept its not something like an infection.

Still, a pain in the back.. ugh..Not to mention, pretty much every move of my back causes a non painful pop, which is pretty trippy in itself.

11-07-19, 15:23
So I’ve had back pain for over 2 years now I’ve gone months with little to no pain at all then out of the blue it hurts it’s like a constant dull ache it does not restrict my movement and it’s quite widespread over my back, I’ve been docs had two full blood counts and MRI and all came back clear, doctor has put it down to somatic symptom disorder and my increased sensitivity to pain

Does anyone else here suffer with that

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11-07-19, 15:35

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

11-07-19, 19:13
Yep lower back pain!

12-07-19, 17:13
So just been to docs as convinced my back pain is AS, but he has said it’s purely mechanical back pain, I’m 6ft 3 so he said I’m more likely to get back pain than most people and my anxiety will make it a lot worse too, I’ve had blood tests to test for inflammation and a mri which came back clear, it’s just hard to believe this pain isn’t from something bad

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12-07-19, 17:30
So just been to docs as convinced my back pain is AS, but he has said it’s purely mechanical back pain, I’m 6ft 3 so he said I’m more likely to get back pain than most people and my anxiety will make it a lot worse too, I’ve had blood tests to test for inflammation and a mri which came back clear

Aside from normal things like exercise and posture, treating the mental problem will also help treat the physical one.

Positive thoughts

12-07-19, 18:03
Thanks fish, that is very true, I am struggling to believe the doctor because the pain is very real but he is the top doctor at my surgery and he’s been my doc for 15 years, and I’ve had the tests inc MRI so I have to believe it right?

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12-07-19, 18:39
Thanks fish, that is very true, I am struggling to believe the doctor because the pain is very real but he is the top doctor at my surgery and he’s been my doc for 15 years, and I’ve had the tests inc MRI so I have to believe it right?

Take the reassurance seeking word 'right?' off the end of your post and that's it ;)

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