View Full Version : Balance and dizziness issues even when lying down ongoing

26-04-19, 16:41
Hi good people

I have had balance and dizziness issues for about 3 months now. It is massively affecting my sleep as I suffer with it when I am laying down and when I got up last night I was all over the place. I feel so depressed with this and alone. I have been offered Betahistine but I have phobia about medication! I am waiting for an MRI Anyone else with this please? Thank you in advance xx

bin tenn
26-04-19, 18:07
Occasionally, yes. Don't know what causes it, and I've never pursued answers. Seems to me like it's just a routine / normal occurrence. Vertigo (specifically BPPV) perhaps? I don't know. I sometimes experience it when I lay down and close my eyes.

26-04-19, 18:13
Some days are worse than others just when I think it’s getting better tonight I am feeling off balance and dizzy sitting still I’m dreading when it’s time for bed. I don’t even sleep in my bed now as I have to prop myself up on the sofa.. I can’t carry on like this.. thanks for taking time to reply I’m feeling so desperate

26-04-19, 18:22
I get this very occasionally when I'm tired; it's bizarre but it doesn't especially bother me.

I can see how it might be upsetting if it was every night, though.

26-04-19, 20:25
Thanks for reply. Yes mine has been for 3 months or more and it’s debilitating. I’m feeling so low with it and exhausted

27-04-19, 00:55
Perhaps try taking a decongestant for 3 or 4 days? It could be that your eustachian tube is blocked up - this happens to me fairly often.

27-04-19, 01:04
Consistent dizziness, vertigo, and off balance feelings are usually an inner ear problem. (which are often harmless) Have you been to an ENT?

And I wouldn't even worry about your medication, very few medications help with long term inner ear issues. There are other treatments.

Anxiety, if not the cause itself, WILL make it worse. So your first self-treatment is to be calm. Meditate, go for a walk (even if dizzy if you can do so without falling), watch a movie, etc.

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27-04-19, 07:04
Thank you for your responses. I’m waiting to see an ENT have been for weeks no appointment as yet. I have also been referred for an MRI of my head still waiting. I’ve just had another night of little sleep. I’m sure anxiety doesn’t help but it makes me anxious so it’s a vicious circle...